
5Rhythms Teachers

"When you teach what you love and share what you know .You open eyes, minds ,bodies ,hearts and souls to unexplored movement worlds. "
Western Australia Teacher Community
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Suzie Craddock

Certified 5Rhythms Teacher
I am from Perth Western Australia . I am blessed to be a mother of 4 adult children .For the past 14 years, I have been privileged to access amazing 5 Rhythm teachers that have shared this movement meditation practice with me . Its been like a traveling dancing classroom . Dance makes my heart sing and my body happy and sets my soul free . I love this deep movement meditative practice ,and I am reminded every day that god created us and loves us to receive worship through the dance . That we are all part of this dance of life . I believe the 5 Rhythm movement practice differs from other movement practices I have taught .This 5 rhythm map allows our busy deadlines and life's stresses to disappear on the dance floor , and in that moment to relax and rediscover the wisdom of our body for expression and healing . Curious ?
Please like our 5 rhythms Perth Movement Meditation practice and movement workshops page .
Times of workshops and Take 5  series will be there for you to join us .
Are you a trail blazer and want to change the world ! We are on the search for passionate movers to be the face of this Western Australian movement tribe.
 if you are interested in assisting and wish to help collaborate in a team working closely  to support and develop this tribe we need the assistance of dedicated volunteers who can provide much needed support for our dance programs.
 Please volunteer !!  We would love you to be part of this community. You will be a welcome addition to our fun close knit moving circle .
Please contact us on info@therhythmcentre.com
Maps: Waves
Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Dancing since: 1998 Teaching since: 2014

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia


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