

Whatever our process is, everything begins with awakening the flow of our creative energy. The most wonderful state of being is disappearing into that seamless liquid flow, dropping ego, and becoming essential energy. Anytime, anywhere, under any circumstance, this is our essential beginning.

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5RTA | December 2020 Spotlight

Embodied into a family of passionate dancers and artisans, my journey on this earth began on Rose Monday (the highest carnival holiday in my area). They put a funny hat on my head & shoved me through the hallway, while outside colourful street-parades took part. I was born into art in motion.

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5RTA | November 2020 Spotlight

I discovered my love of dance when I moved to a foreign city alone at the age of 19. What I first discovered was ballroom dance and I was taught by tournament dancers: What do I want to express, how do I bring it from the inside out? What is the message and essence of the particular dances? I loved to explore this.

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5RTA | March 2020 Spotlight

Dag Danser, De Nederlandse vertaling van de 5Rhythms website is klaar! Ontdek nu in je eigen taal alles over deze bewegingsmeditatie. Nooit eerder was het zo makkelijk om informatie over 5Ritmes en Gabrielle Roth binnen bereik te hebben. Ga zitten, bekijk de website (het best te zien op een groot scherm) en laat je inspireren voor je danspad:

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5RTA | February Teacher Spotlight

I was a bundle of nerves going onto that dance floor as I felt so vulnerable following an unexpected life changing tumultuous divorce. I was at a crossroads I had hit rock bottom and struggling with four kids. There was something missing and my walls were locked into silence to cope.

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5RTA | Join our Teachers in Training

2020 births a new circle of practiced 5Rhythms Teachers-in-Training onto a dance floor near you. Halfway through their training program year, follow your feet to their beginning offerings of 5Rhythms classes locally.

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