
5Rhythms Tribe | Dancing Your Way Back to You

April 13, 2018

by Alex Rodriguez, New Zealand

I was invited to talk about 5Rhythms as part of a Pecha Kucha series of talks connected to an art exhibition and ongoing project by Mandi Lynn, in Wellington, New Zealand. The purpose of this project was to explore our connection to our bodies and the relationship between this connection and our connection with the earth. The artist structured the series of talks around the body’s chakra system and they took place in the gallery where her artwork was exhibited. My talk was the last talk in the first series, relating to the root chakra. Compiling the slides for this talk was a group effort and I was really grateful to all the 5Rhythms teachers from around the world and to Morgan, who contributed photos, including of personal artwork. It gave me a real sense of support and respect for this wonderful global community we are. The people who attended the talk seemed to really enjoy it and it raised awareness of this powerful practice in a place where it was not previously known.

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