
5RRO | Sole to Soul | Ritual Theater

January 12, 2018

Gabrielle and Canadian artist Peter Mandl collaborated on this piece of wearable art to represent the project & fundraise for the 5RRO as Gabrielle intended.

Nilaya Sabnis was one of the contributors and performers on Sole to Soul and worked on the design team to get this wearable art out there. She danced here in the rain in Australia, an ongoing contribution and offering to the continuing movement that is Sole to Soul.

Now available for sale at Raven Recording, with a portion of proceeds donated to 5Rhythms Reach Out (http://5rro.org):

Tanks: https://ravenrecording.com/collections/apparel/products/sole-to-soul-tank-top

Tshirts: https://ravenrecording.com/collections/apparel/products/sole-to-soul-t-shirt

Jonathan #SoletoSoul

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