Tammy Burstein
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 2001
Tribe Member since 1997
When I finished my 5Rhythms teacher training in 2001 Robert Ansell asked me to write, at Gabrielle’s suggestion, something about how New York City was Chaos.
I never wrote the piece. I let the request fade away. But the question lingered, a meditation that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around, couldn’t settle into the heart of; I couldn’t dance into or out of it no matter how often I “surfed” its contours.
Every time I tried to find NYC’s rhythm I’d come back to Staccato – the supportive consolation of living in a grid that extended in all directions – up to the heavens in every skyscraper, down to its bedrock with every subway line. Uptown/downtown, east to west, a seeming cacophony of cultures pulsed with the power of multitudes of homelands, heartbreaks, and hearts’ havens. Over and over again, in the beat of my feet on these streets that I’ve known for almost my entire life I have found myself falling in love with the arrow through the heart passion of its worldly conglomeration. Over and over again I have danced with its over-the-top-ness only to find the soft underbelly of myself; moved with the fast clipped, only to be moved by what was being chipped away; stepped into shit and stepped out into compassion. Broken apart, downed to ground, true to heart, through line to the core of being free to be part of the whole without ever having to be lock-stepped.
Full stop.
NYC – queen crowned by liberty.
Unpredictable. Uncontrollable. Intricate. Inexplicable.
There you are Chaos.
There you are free.
Can you feel how fast your heart is beating in the center of this Chaos? Feel the persistent calling to be a living, breathing work of art crafted as a human being? Messy and missing, present and precious, fractured and fully-fleshed, all that has brought you here, all there is to break-down, to break through, to break apart and behold again?
Will you join me, join us, here in NYC for Cycles? From bedrock to skyscraper, will you, living, breathing work of art, join us for the dance of our lifetimes?
I hope so.

with Tammy Burstein
27 April 2019 - 01 May 2019
RIOULT Dance Center, Astoria

Heeraa Sazevich
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 1997
For best results… ADD HOT WATER & STIR. My first time to Esalen was for Cycles with Jonathan in December, 2011. Combining profound dancing, moving emotions and letting it all go in those healing hot springs would forever imprint the deepest YES on my soul. I longed to offer this exquisite experience back to people but where…not so obvious actually.
Wildest dreams do come true! Really. What are the chances that I’d be invited to mentor a SpaceHolder, my first one, in Idaho Falls who knew of a magic spot? Teresa courageously took on producing my first ever weekend workshop at Lava Hot Springs in remote, southeastern Idaho, a place still partly stewarded by the indigenous Shoshone-Bannock Tribe. Those sacred waters have personally held me through many significant births and deaths: initiation as a 5Rhythms teacher, grieving divorce, moving to a new life in an unknown city then packing that up again, creatively inspiring me to my most edge-walking 5Rhythms work. So many tears of raw sadness and unbelievable joy shed here. And all the blindingly beautiful transformation I've had the honor to witness in those who have heard the call. Humbled and grateful.
April marks the fourth year we unite to dance and soak at Lava. Meditating on this year’s offering, social media’s tag #nofilter curiously grabbed my attention. Thirst for authenticity and truth is certainly fueled by current news of endless lies.
This inquiry is infinitely vast; I’m excited to embody this exploration, layer by layer and then soak it off. What filter are we seeing or feeling through? How might it limit us? To be free of judgment of self and others, to truly accept WHAT IS without needing it to be different, I call this freedom. When we can experience everything simply as energy, without labeling it, we can fluidly move with it, let it be and know peace. Liberation… it is my prayer for myself and all humanity. Gabrielle and Osho have served as radical, provocative beacons in my investigation. Immense gratitude for their transformative work fuels my passion for passing it forward as a 5Rhythms teacher.

with Heeraa Sazevich
26 April 2019 - 28 April 2019
Lava Hot Springs Community Center, Lava Hot Springs