
5RTA | Join our Teachers in Training

2020 births a new circle of practiced 5Rhythms Teachers-in-Training onto a dance floor near you. Halfway through their training program year, follow your feet to their beginning offerings of 5Rhythms classes locally.

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5RTA | January Teacher Spotlight

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5RTA | September Teacher Spotlight

“Be the poetry of the movement to find the voice connected to the heart connected to the feet. To be able to stand in it and serve with it. Just be a catalyst. Art is the soul food each person needs.” – Gabrielle Roth

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5RTA | July Teacher Spotlight

Sexual rape is like a large tattoo on the soul. It takes all your freedom away in just a few minutes. Not only sexual rape but “any abuse” can affect our sexual holy place.

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5RTA | June Teacher Spotlight

29 years ago I arrived on a 5Rhythms dance floor with a background in a handful of ballet, my arms & legs full of sports & my whole body full of African & Contemporary dance. I was familiar with improvising movement but not in connection with my emotions. It was the rhythm of Chaos that opened my heart & allowed me to release the shackles of the emotional straight jacket I was living in.

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5RTA| May Teacher Spotlight

Looking back, I see that I was engaged in an important struggle. My autonomy was vital – the space to be as I am, self-directed and free to express and dance in my own way. Belonging was vital – needing the nourishment of a tribe – and wanting to explore what happens when we are who we are together. Surrendering to the dynamic flow between these needs was my struggle.

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