
5Rhythms Tribe | Love Letters to a Raven

by Lorca Simons, Texas, USA and United Kingdom Photo Credits: Show shots Loli Kantor Set up shots: John Carlisle Moore “When you’re out on the ocean and you are traveling …

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5RTA | September Teacher Spotlight

“Be the poetry of the movement to find the voice connected to the heart connected to the feet. To be able to stand in it and serve with it. Just be a catalyst. Art is the soul food each person needs.” – Gabrielle Roth

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5Rhythms Tribe | Community That Inspires

April 2017   Musings + Art + Happenings from our Tribal Individuals The 5Rhythms practice | A lens for life   Finding the Light of Hope: The Possibility of 5Rhythms by Tamaki …

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5Rhythms Tribe | Daughters

By The Body Draws Circles is an ongoing artistic collaboration between Hannah Loewenthal (South Africa ) and Hege Gabrielsen (Norway). We seek to use the movement map of the 5Rhythms® …

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5Rhythms with Jonathan Horan | Europe this Fall

“Emptiness which is conceptually liable to be mistaken for sheer nothingness is in fact the reservoir of infinite possibilities.” — D.T. Suzuki Dear Dancing Maniacs, I’ve spent the last days …

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5RTA | September 2016 Teacher Spotlight!

Part of my regular home practice is to dance without music to the soundscape and company of nature. Dancing in nature nurtures my relationship to where I live, my environment, …

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