
5Rhythms Tribe | Truth Bomb: Jealousy and the Dance

by Laura Marianne Pickerill, U.K. ‘Anything unresolved presents itself in the practice and invites itself to be resolved.’ – Lucia Horan Oh my goodness, how true is that? I had …

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5Rhythms Tribe | Community That Inspires

5Rhythms Tribe | Community That Inspires | January 2017 contributions:
THE RHYTHMS OF BIRTH by Brenda Cohen Sabban, Argentina | CHAOS & CONNECTION by Julie DoBias, Virginia, USA | HEART, LEADERSHIP and VISION: APPLYING 5Rhythms in BUSINESS by Cass Donnelly, Australia | A POSTCARD FROM THE ECHOES OF OUR DANCE TOGETHER by Stuart Phillips, United Kingdom

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5Rhythms Tribe | Community That Inspires

October 2016     Musings + Art + Happenings from our Tribal Individuals The 5Rhythms practice | A lens for life      GABRIELLE, 5RHYTHMS & SHAMANISM  by Michael Stone British …

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5Rhythms Tribe | Community That Inspires

July 2016     Musings + Art + Happenings from our Tribal Individuals The 5Rhythms practice | A lens for life      With each step I follow my destiny through …

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