“I’m going to share something with you. Almost exactly twelve years ago, I lost my wife.” He shares that this tragedy is what compelled him to step over the line into 5Rhythms. He goes on to say, “Hold nothing back. Just give it all you’ve got,” and “I invite you to dance, too, with those who are no longer with us.”
TAGS: 5Rhythms, dance, gabrielle roth, grief, Meghan LeBorious, ray diaz, sweat your prayers, The Moving Center NYThree years ago I was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer (multiple myeloma) with amyloidosis. At that time I was told that it was unusual that I was still alive, since I had been having undiagnosed symptoms for three years, and I really should have died. My healing has been a very interesting process,
TAGS: Chaos, Dharma, Flow, gabrielle roth, Heartbeat, Karen Ritscher, Lucia Horan, Lyrical, Staccato, Stillness, The Moving Center, The Moving Center NY, the moving center schoolApril 2017 Musings + Art + Happenings from our Tribal Individuals The 5Rhythms practice | A lens for life Finding the Light of Hope: The Possibility of 5Rhythms by Tamaki …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms tribe, american dream, black rock city, burning man, Chaos, children, Community is the next Buddha, dance movement therapy, dance parade, daughter, developmental disorders, drawing with kids, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Granada, Hannah lowenthal, Healing, hege gabrielsen, instagram, Installations, Japan, kierra foster-ba, lyricals, mackenzie amara, Mark Bonder, Michaela Klimanová- Trizuljaková, movement medicine, New York City, norway, nyc, NYC dance parade, One Tribe, Open floor, Oscar Iborra, Pray Body, raven recording, rhythmwave, rhythmwaver, ritual theater, Slovakia, south africa, spain, Staccato, Stillness, stillness art, Tamaki Okuda, The Moving Center NY, the moving center school, the moving centert, Tiny Terror Productions