
5Rhythms Tribe | Love Letters to the 5Rhythms

July 8, 2016

Love Letter Ramblings to 5Rhythms: (from Ghost Dance Manchester with Alex Mackay)


Memories flickering in rare sun streams, saturated with our many dances and glances,
touches and crushes, loving smiles; stagnant, furious rages.
You, always there…
You who beckoned me welcome from the first step into your home…
You who enticed me with gentle looks, brave fingertips tentatively reaching, arms encircling, touching…
You who offered such attention, freely,
& wrapped it around me like a blanket of almond blossom in the Springs…
like strong sun-drenched branches of twisted hazel in the Winters…
You who waited patiently for me to return these waves of love to you, again and again…
You, who took courage from the season’s winds and twined it with every fibre in my body, so that I could enter great oceanic surges of love…ing…
You who humbly guides me in all Love’s flows and ebbs, while I clumsily re-gather myself up again and again…
You, no derision and judgement in you, just tenderness, longing that watches, then cradles all my humiliation as I fall flat on my chin & scathe my scarred knees…
Was it you who began the steps of our dance…?… placing your steps around me like a painter places their final strokes…
You slipped silently into my heart with beauty echoed only by the monsoon rains

So, my love, do you see it, feel it…
…the tumults of appreciation in my heart for you?
You, who shows me how to surrender to all the moons
…while Atlas heaves up the earth, you bathe the universe in exhalations of what it is to be truly alive… of stillness…while myriad grace waves…play…out…alive-ness…still-ness…myriad grace waves play…

~ Anjali

Love Letter Ramblings to 5Rhythms: (from Ghost Dance Rome)

Cara quiete,

che dispiacere non averti frequentato di più. Con te riesco a stare in presenza, ritrovo i fili d’erba, le onde del mare, gli alberi. Posso rimanere ferma ad osservare, e osservando, fluire con il tutto.

Mi pento ogni volta che mi allontano dal mio stare lento.

Ti prometto che ti accudirò di più, sarò più attenta a fermarmi in quiete, in silenzio, in presenza. Ti voglio bene e sei compagna della mia amata solitudine, una preziosa compagna che troppe volte dimentico.

Questo stare quieto è un regalo bellissimo.

Amo tutti i ritmi, ma a te ti ho trascurato troppo.

Ti voglio bene.


Dear Chaos,
you make me feel strong
you make me feel connected
in your arms I can let go
You heal
you soothe
I love entering the circle and being wild
When I am in you
there is no effort
time stops
nothing matters and everything matters
A smile appear in my face
I feel happy
I feel whole
I feel one
I feel one with the whole
And I stand alone.
Love you


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