
August 2013 5RTA Spotlight: Devi Prem, Germany

Devi Prem Germany 5Rhythms Teacher since 2011, Tribe Member since 1998 5Rhythms is my salvation, that which helps me to feel alive, to get in touch with that deep source …

Jonathan’s Newsletter July 2013

Dear dancing feet around the globe, Each rhythm builds on the other so that we can’t “get” stillness until we’ve actually experienced lyrical;and we can’t “get” lyrical until we’ve found …

July 2013 5RTA Spotlight: Lucia Horan, New York City

Lucia Horan, 5Rhythms Teacher since 1998 Tribe Member from birth, New York City The ocean is my home. I am a child of the sea. The element that I work with …

July 2013 5RTA Spotlight: Peter Fejer, Hungary

Peter Fejer, 5Rhythms Teacher since 2011 Tribe Member since 2008, Hungary I discovered 5Rhythms through a friend, who persuaded me to go to a weekend workshop, because she thought that …

July 2013 5RTA Spotlight: Emma Leech, United Kingdom

Emma Leech, 5Rhythms Teacher since 2001 Tribe Member for 20+ years, United Kingdom When I worked in the prison I was teaching Art and Drama/theatre, so the 5Rhythms movement was …

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