
August 2013 5RTA Spotlight: Birgitte Rasmussen, Denmark

August 15, 2013


Birgitte Rasmussen


5Rhythms Teacher since 2008, Tribe Member since 1997

Dancing the 5rhythms release my energy and creativity, melt my tensions and root my soul in the body.

For the last 5 years, I have had the joy to teach a 5Rhythms summer workshop, a whole week  for 30 happy dancers. The concept is Danish, called ‘Island Camps’. It’s my ‘experimentarium’, because its voluntary work: One year the night before dancing LYRICAL I could not sleep. Reading “Maps to Ecstasy” again, I thought, that if I was more experienced in teaching the Lyrical map as the power of seeing, it might be easier to do the level of ‘Mirrors’. In the morning we danced Lyrical as the power of seeing, to really SEE each other and have the courage to be SEEN, fast and slow, new, fresh with open eyes and heart.

But what did Gabrielle think of such an idea? I wrote Gabrielle and she wrote back: “this is a great idea, approaching Lyrical through seeing!!”

Now I cannot ask my beloved teacher any more. New phases approach me, new dances to be danced re-finding my roots and soul. I’m so grateful she initiated Jonathan to continue her beautiful work.

If you want to dance a weeklong summer workshop in the beauty of the Danish islands, come to Samsoe. Sign up for 2014 here: http://www.dans5rytmer.dk/samsoe-sommer

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