
5Rhythms with Jonathan Horan this Spring

April 27, 2016

“There is some kind of a sweet innocence in
being human — in not having to be just happy
or just sad — in the nature of being able
to be both broken and whole,
at the same time.” 
― C. JoyBell C.



Dear Friends,


The energy of Spring tends to move me towards innocence, towards that beginning-of-life blank slate when we took our first breaths in the world.


Later in life, this feeling of innocence can be reborn again and again if we choose to strip ourselves bare and bring forth all the ugly and beautiful pieces of our souls.


Taking on the possibility of seeing the world and others in fascination of our naked truths, letting go of pre-conceived ideas, stories and judgements and witnessing the gifts of imperfections that make us truly unique.  


This Spring we’re journeying through three gateways to unravel ourselves back to the moving center of our innocence, to what it means to be a complete human being — raw, messy, in connection through the soles of our feet, in pieces and whole all at once.


Identifying and ritualizing the cast of ego characters that ride with us through life as we look deep into our Mirrors


Turning these characters into our band of misfit allies as we transform into our Naked Soul.


and I’m especially excited to return to my homeland to offer God Sex & The Body for the first time ever at Esalen Institute —  6 days to explore the masculine and feminine energies including a sweat lodge, an archetypal ball, hot springs & massages  — all on the blooming land where the playfulness and innocence of my youth and the 5Rhythms practice was nurtured. 


And, if the 5Rhythms practice is new to you or you would like to step into the simplicities of the beginning again, join us for the foundational Waves practice at Kripalu.


See you on the dance floor,





May 4-8, 2016
Charlottesville, Virginia


Waves: A 5Rhythms® Moving Meditation

May 20-22, 2016

Kripalu, Stockbridge, Massachusetts



The Naked Soul

May 11-15, 2016

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania




June 5-10, 2016
Esalen Big Sur, California

**(Please note for those on the Training Path, these are the only opportunities in the USA this year to complete the Mirrors, Naked Soul and God Sex & The Body requirements).



Jonathan is an accredited

5Rhythms Teachers Association member.  


All workshops and classes count towards 

The Dancing Path to become a certified 5Rhythms teacher.






5Rhythms Global | PO Box 1960 | New York, NY 10013 | 212.760.1381


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