Amelie Schweiger
5Rhythms Teacher since 2004
Tribe Member since 1999
I discovered the 5Rhythms eighteen years ago. I was studying and teaching literature at university, running writing workshops and singing lyrical songs but I didn’t find completely myself in any of that. I then started to turn to vocal improvisation and somatic techniques like Body mind centering, Feldenkreis and also began to practice Contact Improvisation to liberate the voice and the freedom of the body. At that time I discovered how much dance was important to me and the kind of wild free dance I was dreaming of but thought did not exist until I met the 5Rhythms… I found 5Rhythms by chance, during a seminar based on fairy tells. This teaching was inviting us to open our heart and spirit to the magic of life. For me, the magic was that someone told me some words about 5 Rhythms. A few days after, I had my first experience on the dance floor and I felt immediately at home, connected to my deep truth and joy.
Dance became my daily practice and my initiatory path to guide my way of evolution regarding the connection to myself, to the other and to the dynamic of life. One of the rhythms in particular can be my indicator, depending the moments I go through. But today I am especially inspired by the whole Wave. In Flowing, each part of my body surrender to the flexible circulation of my feet. I feel unified, galvanized by this consent to my quiet suppleness. There is nothing to do, to produce; only being in agreement with the movement of life. In Staccato, I nourish my ability to clarify, to take decisions, to commit and to keep the direction. I find strength and courage. Chaos teaches me to let go control and routines. It offers to my wild woman a place to refresh her power, her freedom and creativity. Then Lyrical remains me not to take myself too much seriously, to keep light and to cultivate the taste of instant improvisation. At the end, Stillness offers me inner peace, like a radiant jewel comforting and indestructible. But it is not the end! Because a new Wave follows and the alchemy goes on…
I invite you to experiment and share the magic of the Wave. This workshop, “Le Pas sage” (naughty, in French!) will celebrate our transition to the New Year (from 28/12 /2014 to 01/01/2015) in a festive and ritual way. Through dance, relation to nature, sometimes writing or drawing and some surprises, we will look back on the past year and we will sow our wishes for the New Year, in the space of our three circles: personal, relational and collective. Residential workshop in a place inspiring, in South East France. Held in French and translated into English.
with Amelie Schweiger
28 December 2014 - 01 January 2015
Lamastre, Lamastre

Paula McHugh
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 1997
Holding the philosophy that pain and suffering can be transformed through movement and witnessing from the heart, I believe that the Rhythms represent a strong container when facilitated with compassion and non-judgment in which a dancer can heal. My experience is the dancer gets an opportunity to repair and heal from childhood wounds and relationships. I’ve noticed through releasing old stories, flow can enter the body and bring more aliveness thus allowing the dancer to be fully present with self and others.
Fresh off the Teacher Training after 15 hours of traveling across different time zones, I gave this interview as a part of a Mental Health Awareness Week I was so incredibly nervous and really buzzed about getting the 5Rhythms out there and having the opportunity to talk about as many teachers as I could!! I talk about the power of the Rhythms as a way of self-regulation among other things. I feel privileged to teach and witness students finding their own authenticity
In the middle of the interview where there is a 7 minute track from Zrazy, a local band here, we had a good dance with good friends. This was a real coincidence to have them in the room and the second part of the interview is a bit more relaxed. Forgive the nerves! Enjoy.
I hold two classes in Dublin WAKE UP WAVE on Monday Mornings at the beautiful Clonlea Studios, Blackrock County Dublin from 11.30am till 1.30 and SUNSET WAVE at The Lir, Pearse Street, Dublin 4 (by Grand Canal Dock) from 7.00pm till 8.30pm.
31 December 1969