Caroline Van de Ven
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 2008
I am one of I think not so many teachers that never danced with Gabrielle in real life. I tried several times, but I didn´t succeed. I danced the Bone Cycles in Antwerp (Belgium) in 2009, Jonathan was there to replace his mother. I applied for Medicine Dance in Esalen, but unfortunately that workshop was already fully booked, I was at the August Intensive in Sausalito in 2012, but Gabrielle was not able to be there and finally I was in New York at Slow Dancing in Chaos, the weekend before she passed away. I went back to New York in January 2013 to join Gabrielle’s memorial, to pay my respect and deep gratitude. The closest I got to Gabrielle was quite unexpectedly at the end of the teacher training at SLC in October 2014, when at Snowbird on top of the mountain, surrounded by all the brand new teachers, Jonathan scattered Gabrielle’s ashes. At that very moment the wind turned and showered us.
Though we never physically met, Gabrielle’s energy is with me every day through her books, her music, her teachings, interviews and video´s. I dance with her a lot, I feel connected with her, I drink from her well, dance with her, she backs me up and inspires me to surrender into the rhythms of life.
Dancing the 5Rhythms is my healing path; an intense process of getting to know myself better, deeper, in all different layers. Dancing brought me awareness of me and my life, of me and my body, of me and my history, of me and my pain body. Through dancing I healed myself from deep wounds caused by rape and divorce. Through dancing, the shapes of my body, my eating habits as well as my energy levels, my moods, my work and my relationships changed. The 5Rhythms practice gave me a living proof that moving, moving, moving into the rhythms of life is the gateway for change and transformation. Now my focus is on living my life like everyday is a beautiful to die, everyday is a deep dive into the rhythms of life, with endless powers and possibilities. There’s so much to celebrate, to share; together we can re-discover, re-connect, re-member and re-joice in the amazing, beautiful creative creatures that we all are. Would be great to share this all with you!
Welcome to this four days workshop on the beautiful Greek Isle of Santorini in August where we will explore our moving selves using the 5Rhythms® dance meditation practice of Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness as our reliable resource, expanded with Eckhart Tolle-based meditation, bodywork and teachings (offered by Evert van de Ven, life coach).
You are welcome to join. Come and share your breath, your dance, your laughs, your heart, your soul and your inspiration; let’s dive together Into the Rhythms of Life.

Into the Rhythms of Life
with Caroline Van de Ven
18 August 2016 - 21 August 2016
Babel Studio, Santorini

Atmo Lars Lindvall
5Rhythms Teacher since 2004
Tribe Member since 1996
Nature as the most basic and strongest influence of our wellbeing.
I grew up on a meadow, on sand dunes, close to surrounding lakes and in the forest… I also lived in cities but never, until recently, sensed that I could be relaxed with or cope with other people.
Unless it was in organised forms, like within a meditation practise or in an ashram. Or if I was the leader, which was many times the case when I was leading my music groups or I had another clear function within the group.
As the years pass by and having experienced the 5Rhythms' teachings both as a student and as a teacher, I am coming back more and more to the language of nature. Less is more, soft is strong, everything has its time and everything is as it’s supposed to be.
A stone or a tree are just what they are, nothing less, nothing more, not better than or worse than...
I myself am a human, I recently (again) came up with the question: can I allow myself to be (just like that)?!
And just now, I remembered an assignment Gabrielle gave us during her last offered Heartbeat-Training, and its first phrase read like this:
Let it in, let it out, and let it go
And, Gabrielle’s written goal - as I understood it- was: when you can pass fluidly through these three gateways, letting it be occurs naturally.
Naturally like nature…
This summer I will offer a workshop that has a very strong impact of pure nature.
In Gümüslük / Karakaya Retreat / Bodrum, Turkey, from the mountain village we have a breathtaking view down the hills reaching into the Mediterranean Sea and we can enjoy our pool plus the beaches are within a short drive.
Nature is a strong inspiration during this workshop. The practise of the 5Rhythms will be the corner stone of our time together and bring us inspirations for all our life dances to come.

5 Rhythms Dance Holiday
with Atmo Lars Lindvall
15 August 2016 - 20 August 2016
Karakaya Retreat, Bodrum,