Katya Verbrugghe
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 2007
I have been devoted to this practice since I came across it 12 years ago. In my first class, I immediately recognized my roots. I had a flashback of myself dancing as an Indian woman around a campfire, honoring the spirits, dancing my prayers. I felt deeply touched, seen, and safe, tears were rolling down my cheeks.
It never matters to me what kind of music is being played or which other dancers there are. Nothing could keep me from jumping into this ocean of workshops and classes to transform my destructive software that was burning in my cells, my bones, and my blood. In many workshops my body started to suffer. I got broken ribs, kidney disease, bone marrow infection, high fever, and many other crazy things that tried to keep me away. I always took the opportunity to explore how my body wanted to take tiny steps through the pain to change my negative patterns and programs formed in me by my destructive relationships. Now I can feel that these transitions gave me gratefulness and blissful inner joy. Nobody can give me this.
The workshop that turned my life around was in my first dance year. This was the Trilogy workshop that Jonathan gave in Belgium. At that time, I did not understand English. So I had to listen to the energy of the bodies of the others to understand the instructions. In the last week I could feel an intense pain in my right knee. This was my sexual rape coming back to me. My knee was still frozen from the shock of that moment when I tried to keep my legs closed. It took many years to heal this trauma in my whole being on many levels.
Sexual rape is like a large tattoo on the soul. It takes all your freedom away in just a few minutes. Not only sexual rape but "any abuse" can affect our sexual holy place.
This is why I am offering the workshop ’Sexual Grounding’. To give you the save space to release your grief that influences your sexual creative energy. Welcome.

with Katya Verbrugghe
10 July 2019 - 14 July 2019
Antwerpen - Mortsel, Antwerp

Gramya Michal Molho
5Rhythms Teacher since 0
Tribe Member since 2010
About 10 years ago a friend invited me to attend a 5Rhythms workshop. I was curious …and went.
After some time into the first session, I thought I’m hearing an argument. One female voice was demanding to slow down, the other was very clear that slowing down is not an option at all. It took a while to realize those voices are coming from my knees. I thought I’m a bit off, but kept dancing. I took few months of attending regular 5Rhythms classes to understand - it was not weird at all.
I knew that our body holds on to all our stories and fears. It holds on to whatever we wanted to say but couldn’t, all we wanted to shout but did not dare. All our beliefs and habits hide in our organs and muscles.
The Dance have provided me with, a ready to use hearing aid, enabling me to listen to the whispers of my most inner self.
This Understanding had changed the course of my life. Being a nomad most of my life, in small manageable doses, I took on nomad life as my home rhythm. I left my quite apartment, my secure job, and started some years of experiencing ways of life I knew nothing about.
I was born In Israel in 1962. My mother land has known many wars, civil unrest, huge number of terror attacks and the oppression of another nation. Growing up, in this surrounding, pushed me to believe that this world is violent and kindness to others is not a valid option.
At 56, on a dance floor, I had come to realize, I can quietly say to myself, that it is safe to be kind and survive.
Dancing has been my medicine, my salvation, and my passion, making it easy for me to choose 5Rhythms as the path to bring myself to full expression. I teach 5Rhythms as a dance meditation, as the art of being present in the here and now. As the art of unveiling the self, to find love in our core.
Come join us, in Beautiful karakaya retreat for a 5-day workshop. We dance in the mornings and evenings, leaving the hot hours free for a jump in the sea or a relaxed time by the pool.

Summer waves
with Gramya Michal Molho
24 July 2019 - 28 July 2019
Karakaya retreat center, Gumusluk, Bodruma, Gumusluk