Sayrah Garrison
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 2001
My very first experience of the 5Rhythms was in 2001 with Jonathan Horan at the Children’s Aid Society just before 9/11. Based in NYC, I was a flight attendant doing mostly international travel to German speaking countries. Ja, ich spreche Deutsch! I often tell participants in my classes now that this practice saved my life. In the wake of 9/11 and in the midst of my own personal struggles with anxiety and alcoholism, it certainly helped me through some pretty dark times.
The 5Rhythms community that I was becoming a part of in NYC helped me feel connected to others in a way that I was longing for. A connection that was sorely lacking in my constant travels to new cities and foreign lands.
Jonathan’s High Vibration Waves class on Tuesdays was like therapy for me. I often dreaded going to Jonathan’s class, knowing that he would urge us to “Take a partner!” which was both intriguing and horrifying to me at once. To this day, I describe that experience as being like EMDR for social anxiety. As Gabrielle may have put it, you are dancing and partnering so fast, that you don’t have the time to fall into self-deprecating patterns and behaviors. And so, with this incredible healing practice and the help of a social worker, I literally found my salvation.
In 2006, I left my career as a flight attendant and started my current profession as a social worker, specializing in helping individuals with co-occurring disorders (mental health and substance use) on their path to recovery. On my personal journey, I have found yoga, dance and meditation to be a winning combination in obtaining inner freedom and am devoted to sharing what I have learned with others through my work as a social worker and 5Rhythms teacher.
If you are in the bay area this summer, I invite you to journey deep with me on an exploration of this profound map to ecstasy.

5Rhythms for Body, Mind and Spirit (Body-May 27)
with Sayrah Garrison
27 May 2017 - 27 May 2017
Western Sky Studio, Berkeley

Kierra Foster-Ba
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 2007
Tribe Member since 1997
I discovered the 5Rhythms® in Crunch Gym. My first teacher, Jane Seltzer was offering a class there and it was the beginning of a whole new way of living for me. In the span of an hour class the 5Rhythms® cracked me open; gave me a powerful vehicle self expression; healing; and transformation; and gave me a multi-ethnic, international community to become my tribe. I just did not know it yet in that in that first class.
At workshops Gabrielle often said, "There is only one of us here." Those words seem even more important now. It is important that we all know that despite our visible differences, histories, and lineage, somehow, in ways that we cannot visible see or maybe even understand, we ARE all connected, woven together with invisible threads. Her words are a central part of my offerings as a 5Rhythms® teacher. In my classes and workshops, an important goal is to always fill people up with deeper connections to themselves and the world around them.
I am excited about my upcoming Heartscape - the landscape of the heart workshop that The Moving Center is producing. In it we will take a deep dive into the 5 major emotions to clear away what no longer serves and expand our capacity for compassion and connection.
I hope to share this with some of you.

Heartscape - the landscape of the heart
with Kierra Foster-Ba
12 May 2017 - 14 May 2017
Paul Taylor, New York