Rivka Worth
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 1992
I first met the 5Rhythms® when I was twenty, studying a dance degree, struggling with the uniformity. I didn’t have the right body or do the steps right. For someone dancing all day everyday I couldn’t have been more out of my body. I danced my first Wave® with Restless Dance Theatre, a unique company of dancers with disability who danced 5Rhythms for their weekly warm-up. I fell in love with dancing again. I fell in love with My dance again, I fell in love with my dancing body. I read Maps to Ecstasy. My life changed instantly. I fell in love with this very real, wild, mysterious dance. On the back cover, some new-age looking ‘urban shaman’ from across the world ‘got me’. I found where I belonged. Twenty-five years later I am blessed to share the 5Rhythms as a teacher, still very much in love with how this practice changes, moves and grows us.
Part of my regular home practice is to dance without music to the soundscape and company of nature. Dancing in nature nurtures my relationship to where I live, my environment, my country, community and planet. The Wave is so clearly present in nature offering endless teachings. I dance in nature to feel connected to life, to remember I am part of a whole, to listen and discover how I can be of service.
GROUNDED birthed when I was working out bush in remote central Australia on intergenerational Aboriginal women’s dance camps. Each sunrise I would do my own 5Rhythms practice out on a dirt track. My practice became deeply enmeshed with the landscape. I missed it painfully when I returned to city living and felt called to share with others. Dancers who came to GROUNDED last year tell me they can still sense the earth beneath their feet on the urban dance floor.
The centre of Australia is the heart of our country. It is powerful and stirring desert with vast blue sky and warm red earth. When we listen we can hear the ancestors. We can connect to our own grief and deep cultural wounds. Our personal healing opens to greater reconciliation in a much needed, profound way.
Meet yourself there, with like-minded and like-hearted humans, earth warriors coming together to dance in partnership with country, honoring and enriching our relationship with Earth.

GROUNDED 5Rhythms in the desert
with Rivka Worth
16 September 2016 - 19 September 2016
Ross River Alice Springs, Alice Springs

Arjan Bouw
5Rhythms Teacher since 2004
Tribe Member since 1996
I worked as an actor till the dance took over. The wild creativity of theater is still very rooted in my dance. It is an art to translate inner movement into outer movement. Being fascinated by all the different inner waves I love the practice of the 5Rhythms; it includes the whole spectrum of being human. Shadows can be danced, light and dark sides, emotions, thoughts. In the dance I can be everything between very wild and extremely tender.
Having lived my first 3 years of my life in Surinam, South America, rhythm has been planted in my bones from early on. I have been dancing all my life, at first on the hips of my mother, later in disco’s punkrockconcerts, balkanparties. My first experience with the 5Rhythms was a Heartbeat workshop with Susannah Darling Kahn in 1996. Before I was very suspicious about it all, but as soon as I got on the dance floor I felt so much; emotions, freedom of expression, connection, love. I fell apart in thousand pieces and I could dance them all.
After attending several workshops I knew I had something to offer on the dance floor, being able to feel and see people and really be there with them. So I became a teacher.
People say I am a light and playful teacher. I create a field where everyone can explore their own unique way of moving. In my loving attention they find acceptance to go deep in their dance.
I live in an old farmhouse in a small community, I am raising two daughters, rebuilding the houses and working the land. I am rooted in nature, connected with the rhythms of the seasons.
Drumbone is all about rhythm. Everything’s got rhythm. The earth turning around the sun has got rhythm. People got rhythm. Can we connect to our inner beat? Make music to the rhythm of others? In this dance we find our place in time and space. If it is our time I hope to meet you there.

with Arjan Bouw
16 September 2016 - 18 September 2016
Summit Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia