
Sing The Body

September 20, 2019

The song is SING THE BODY from the album DANCING TOWARD THE ONE. This is one of our first releases. Early ‘80’s spiritual rock and roll: wild guitars, pounding drums, tribal chanting. This uninterrupted, 26-minute ride through the 5Rhythms is intense. Please make sure your health insurance is paid up before you dance to it.

This was back in the day when we were first trying out the recording process. It was scary – 8 or 9 musicians in the studio, 24 tracks, live, and a gazillion dollars per hour. We had rehearsed for a week or so and actually had music charts to follow. Five minutes before the engineer pressed the RECORD button, Gabrielle walked into the studio and tore up the charts. “I’ll dance; you play,” she said. She did. We did.


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