Sherron St Clair
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 2007
I remember my first 5Rhythms class, way back with Caroline Carey. I had signed up for 5 classes. My first class I hated! This really confused me as I love to dance, I had been dancing with co-ops, community dancing for a while, my first experience to be dancing with no alcohol on the scene.
I think things changed when I was left to my own devices, dancing with myself.
I hated the music, especially the warm up, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was totally in my head, get on with it says I. The session was far too long (I kept looking at the clock), & I didn't like the teacher... Plus I was to come back another 4 times!
The second class was totally different. I knew what to expect, the clock had been removed and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was over, time just flew by, there was an ease & lightness in my body.
What I now realize is that first class was my first experience with me, myself and I. Too much. I hated me, I found within a needy child, an angry teenager, & a raging adult. I had no time for those aspects of myself, I had been constantly busy, distracting or helping others in order NOT to be with myself, I was too much! (I treated myself like the adults around me, treated me). I hated my teacher because she put me up to myself.
Flow was too slow and boring, I loved staccato, my kind of music, chaos too scary, 'let go', what does that mean? (I was SO use to controlling everything around me, I felt safe doing this), lyrical too playful (in my past adults had hurt me through play), and stillness was unbearable.
Thankfully this has all changed over the years through practicing showing up for myself. I love me, this practice, and being in service to others. I am FREE and on PURPOSE.
5Rhythms has been and continues to be the biggest catalytic change in my life. Thank you Gabrielle Roth & all the 5Rhythms teachers/colleagues who have held sacred space so that I can explore all that is me & let go of that which no longer serves me.
5Rhythms ROCKS!
I am SO delighted to be hosting 5 workshops next year. The Shadow & Light of the 5Rhythms. I have been seriously looking at my own shadows and I'm happy to be letting go of some major shadow stalkers that no longer serve me, ways that I fall into patterns/habits that I was not even aware of, bringing confusion, spaced out and numbness to the forefront, (ways in which I avoid feeling).
During our times together we shall have opportunity's to work, rest and play exploring the shadow & light of the 5Rhythms, in a beautiful setting. Giving ourselves permission to experience ourselves in our magnificent totality without feelings of shame or guilt or inadequacy. Everybody is well come. Come & Be Moved...

Shadow & Light Residential Retreat workshop
with Sherron St Clair
26 January 2018 - 28 January 2018
Sli Na Bande, Newtownmountkennedy

Dagmar Cee, Ron Hagendoorn, Bettina Leuckert, Heera Andreas Mueller, Heike Fuhsy
Dagmar Cee (Germany)
Teaching since 2005, Dancing since 1999
One should presume that an experienced 5Rhythms teacher would easily move through group fields all the time. But no. It stays challenging, exciting - and immensely inspiring. My task is not to get puzzled with all the different energies and actions around. Only with an aware focus to my body, I am able to let people in, to exchange and finally, to enjoy the richness and the experiences I can have when I connect.
Co-teaching is co-creating and it is always more than just the sum of the single teacher’s inputs. Each one of us brings unique skills and together we create something new. It is a lot about giving and taking space – a flexible and awake dance, heart opening and highly nurturing (to all involved.)
Ron Hagendoorn (Netherlands)
Teaching since 2007, Dancing since 2000
18 years ago I took part in my first 5Rhythms workshop. It was a fantastic experience - the people, the dance, the music. By that time I had had many moments where I felt alone in life. To come together and dance has been an important support system. I’ve made many friends on the dance floor.
With this in mind I am grateful for cooperating with four colleagues. We come together and share our experiences, feelings, and friendship for the benefit of a vital workshop. I hope you join us to be part of this unique collaboration.
Bettina Leuckert (Germany)
Teaching since 2008, Dancing since 2002
What I love about creating and holding a workshop like this together with colleagues is the alchemy that unfolds between all the particles involved. Creating can be a lonely job – therefore creating something together feels truly luxurious! It is fascinating to experience the 5Rhythms at work (well, at dance!) - holding us, holding the group, allowing the process to unfold and allowing each and everyone to feel themselves as part of something bigger, as a living organism - on the dancefloor and beyond. It seems so fitting into these times to get together and help each other to find our strength.
Heera Andreas Mueller (Germany)
Teaching since 2004, Dancing since 1994
We ask our students in this workshop: what are my special qualities that I can bring to a community? How can we support and strengthen each other to develop this individual potential.
Likewise, I want to ask the same questions to us teachers. For me the collaboration with this wonderful "mix" of teachers is an inspiration, training and a living example of community... come together!
Heike Fuhsy (Germany)
Teaching since 2004, Dancing since 1994
Flowing - Oh yes, I like your energy, lets do something together! Staccato - Lets do it like this. Or like that. What about this aspect? I like it! I don't! Chaos - What? How? Who? Aaah! Why do I do this? It would be so much easier and faster to do it my own! Lyrical - Wow, great ideas, I would have never thought of that! It comes together. It is fun. It is love. Something bigger is happening here. Stillness - I am fulfilled, connected, grateful and humble.

Come Together - 5 Rhythms 5 Teachers One Tribe
with Bettina Leuckert & Dagmar Cee, Ron Hagendoorn
19 January 2018 - 21 January 2018
bodylanguage dance center, Dortmund