Rian van Duijnhoven
5Rhythms Teacher since 2010
Tribe Member since 2003
The first memory from me dancing was at the age of 4. The teacher let us dance around two carpets, placed like a lemniscaat. I danced and danced, going round and round. She smiled at me so bright and she invited me to dance with her. My first ecstatic!
Always loved dancing: ballroom, weekly classes jazz ballet and dancing in the disco. At the age of 43 I was doing a life changing 3-year training and heard people talk about 5Rhythms.
I went to an open class with Thea Spanjers, my first 5Rhythms teacher. After a few lessons I phoned her and asked her how to become a teacher. Well, she said, this is going to be a long road. And I took my first steps, dancing all over in the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Germany, Switzerland. My world grew bigger and bigger and my horizon expanded, and so was my heart and understanding of the rhythms.
In Berlin, I danced in a huge group of dancers excited to meet Gabrielle. It felt as if she was talking to me personally about life, struggles and dealing with your pain. I was just a teenager dancing my own pain, she said and it felt as if she was talking just to me.
I was in the last group trained by her. During the last module of the training, she invited us to meditate with her and a few of us showed up. Sitting in front of her, she took her time and looked each one in the eye and said: “I love you”. Never before felt these words so intense and wholehearted. When I think of this moment I can still feel it. At the end we were all crying, knowing that this would be the last time we see each other in real life.
My teaching path is about showing up, building confidence, being thankful, listen to my heart, following my bliss, accepting myself, being a channel, being in service. Taking one step at the time, still doubting if I ever will be good enough.
After seven years of teaching, I want to dance more for myself again. To find my own dance again. To stay balanced and in tune with the joy of teaching. I love teaching in special places or create a magical atmosphere; dancing in a circus tent, an old fabric hall, a chapel, outside on sacred land, dancing with woman at full moon, creating a huge nest during the workshop Sacred Pause.
Pauline and I are teaching in the same area. This year we are teaching the Sacred Pause for the 4th time. She is my challenger, supporter, mirror and teacher. Most of the time I am the one who comes with a new idea, not always able to manifest all the ideas I have. I am the planner, organizer, impatient, practical one. She always wants to take time to dream first and creating a landscape. I love the way she finds words to create. We are a good team. Next year we are going to offer a workshop on la Gomera “A Magical Journey”. So looking forward to this one too.
Happy to meet you again and again on a dancefloor around the globe. Love to see you shine!

Sacred Pause
with Rian van Duijnhoven & Pauline van Hezik
28 December 2017 - 30 December 2017
Pand 18, S-Hertogenbosch