Heeraa Sazevich
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 1997
“Ah…. I’m home again… thank you,” I exhaled as I sank into the delicious group stillness at the end of my first ever Sweat Your Prayers session in Sausalito. Sunday morning, 1997, returning to the US of A after 13 years in Asia, I was feeling lost and alien…. until This Moment. Flooded with gratitude for my friend’s guidance here, gentle joy tears washed my soul. She knew I might ease my grief of having left the Osho commune in India after 6 years on this dance floor. I was missing my tribe of wild rebel seekers….“It will feel like Home,” she assured me. She was so right and the 5Rhythms has been mine ever since. Halle-freaking-lujah!
I imagine that you probably relate to this… that sense of 'Coming Home’ in the dance, the sweet relief of it, the saying YES to being in this body and this life, feeling all this ‘stuff’ and being able to surrender to it, the empty space of having let go, the bliss of letting be and simply being present. Also the sense of deep gratitude that there are safe containers, teachers and fellow travelers in this mad existence where you can remember the Sanctuary that is Self.
Honored to be a 5Rhythms teacher after 19 years of practice, I care to foster this place of refuge as others have done so for me. How best to evoke Presence is the edge I dance in co-creation with the souls I meet and my avid exploration.
It’s been quite a journey getting to a greater ease of Being. As a young woman in the theater, I was at war with food and my body image for many years. Thankfully, I found profound healing in the moving meditation practices created by Osho and Gabrielle. They both incite being JUICY and ALIVE! Meditation as fun and hilarious… radical!!! I was over possibly many past lives sitting on zen cushions, in caves, in body denial. In my experience, moving the body is truly the fastest way to emptying the mind. So yeah, I’m dancing and laughing my way to enlightenment this time!
My first 5Rhythms workshop was a 10 day Mirrors with Gabrielle in 2002… jumped into the deep end. Relished it and fell in love with her irreverant, wisdom heart of course. Dance, meditation AND ritual theater… are you kidding?! YES please! Many workshops with her over the years later, I had the great fortune of being at her touching, final offering at Esalen where the 5Rhythms were born. There is something about deep dancing and deep soaking that stills the mind and heals the soul like nothing else.
It is with great joy that with the collaboration of the Sweat Spaceholder that I mentor in Idaho (my new home base), we’ll offer my residential Waves workshop “Natural Mystic” at Lava Hot Springs, one of the largest in the States. What more magical place to explore the elements connected to each rhythm: hills in green bloom, the heat of the water and bright blue skies. Weaving my Watsu training into the mix, we’re diving deep. Yum!

Natural Mystic
with Heeraa Sazevich
20 May 2016 - 22 May 2016
Lava Hot Springs, Lava Hot Springs

Cecile Klefstad
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 2009
I discovered 5Rhythms in the spring of 2009 as I was offered to participate in a morning movement meditation while attending a retreat. I had been dancing and moving most of my life and was very curious to try this ‘dance thing’. And what a discovery it was: FREEDOM! As I was lead in the mysteries of 5Rhythms by Deborah Bacon Dilts, I felt at HOME, finally!
After that discovery I came home hungry for the practice and kept dancing, sweating, dancing, crying, dancing, sweating some more. I met feet, hips and hearts from all over the world, I met my feet and started a lifelong relationship with my own body, my heart and my soul.
I am in love with the practice, it is the most “intelligent” and transformative work I have ever experienced. There is an alchemy happening in the practice that permeates every aspect of my life. I feel it is sacred and primal at the same time, simple and deep, demanding and pleasurable. It is my prayer, it is my commitment to be fully alive and human. I am humbled by the power of the dance as a teacher.
My teaching style is clear, daring and playful.
During ‘Deep in the Rhythms’ we will be moving through the rhythms, exploring in depth their energy and hidden treasures, letting them teach us their wisdom. We’ll learn how to move fluidly from one to the other and call on each of them as needed.
Each of the 5Rhythms will offer different gifts, ways to move and shape us and make us more awake and present to what is unfolding in our lives. Each of the Rhythms is a medicine and brings healing. Each of the Rhythms and the ability to move fluidly from one to the other brings more choices in our lives and lets us find our way to our freedom.
Let’s wake up, find our freedom and bring it home!

Deep in the Rhythms
with Cecile Klefstad
21 May 2016 - 22 May 2016
Prinses Juliana School, Brussels