Ron Hagendoorn
5Rhythms Teacher since 2007
Tribe Member since 2000
Fifteen years ago I took part in my first 5Rhythms® workshop in the Netherlands. At the time, I had a lot of pent-up energy and the dance floor was a great place to get this energy moving and expressed. In fact, I danced so wild that afterwards I couldn’t sit for a few days due to muscle pain!
It was a fantastic experience. The dance, the music and people. I started dancing on a weekly basis. The more I did it, the more I liked it. 5Rhythms is about freedom and structure at the same time. It needs discipline and study. The considerable energy I invested in this mind and body work brought real benefits in terms of my physical, emotional and mental health. Gabrielle created a beautiful map.
After dancing some time, I decided to take a workshop with her. I went for a weekend workshop to San Francisco. 20.000 km to dance 5Rhythms. A little crazy? Yes, It was. And I was hooked. I fell in love with the practice and this mysterious lady. Since then I committed myself to it. Up’s and downs included.
I moved house to London for one year of practice. I danced daily with many different teachers. After seven years of practice I started the process of learning to teach the work. Wow! As easy it might seem – the real difficulty is to teach. I learned very much over the years. To complete my understanding of psychology and the body, I started to train in Somatic Experiencing®. A technique to work with traumatized people. As we all are, more or less. It helped me to guide people deeper in their body in a safe and healing way.
Here I am. A full time 5Rhythms teacher and producer. A job I couldn’t have even imagined in my twenties. It is an ongoing learning process; As a teacher and as a student.
Until now I have concentrated my 5Rhythms work in Rotterdam in the format of weekly classes and ongoing groups. I love the format of ongoing groups. Meeting the same people over and over again. Deepening the practice day after day. There is very much to explore in each Rhythm.
We (myself and the support team) have created a very solid basis in my hometown Rotterdam. It is time to step out of this country.
On October 23rd and 24th I will teach my first workshop in Romania (Bucharest) - ‘Body Language’- An exploration about the relationship between 5Rhythms, the body and everyday life. We discover the different aspects and healing power of each Rhythm. All within the capacity and resilience of our bodies. Exploring the place where we do not push, and don't hold back. It is a weekend full of dance and with great music. By the end you have a serious chance to go home with a clear mind and tired body in a very nurturing way.
31 December 1969

Shanti bok rye Park
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 1989
I entered my first workshop in Montreal when Jonathan came in 2008 without knowing anything about 5Rhythms. A hundred people were dancing around me, expressing themselves, shaking, and crying. The biggest surprise was that at the end of the workshop I saw so many dancing Buddhas emerging from their silence with their pure beauty shining from within. I experienced this myself. I felt so alive just as if I have found an oasis for my dry life.
My excitement from that weekend brought me to Gabrielle a few months later. To me, she was larger than life. I felt so small. The only way I found courage to be closer to her was by buying her book "Sweat your prayer" and by asking her to sign the first page. It worked! From that short meeting with her, she hooked me with her charismatic presence; I fell in love with this amazing practice and it was the beginning of my transformation through dancing.
Dancing has not always been fun!
At first, it was painful letting go of all my attachments which I thought have a lot of importance in my mind.
My big ego doesn’t like to discover who I really am and to find out that I’m not as special as my ego would want me to be.
Sometimes I feel even hopeless when I see my old pattern coming back to my dance after many years of dancing. I thought I was done but I was not.
The more I practice Waves, the more fascinated I am by the process: how it works perfectly! It doesn’t matter what happens in each Wave because it works intelligently! Waves bring me back home to connect with my wild heart where I find my strength to be free.
Last year, I stepped into a new cycle, beginning as a new teacher.
I have to face reality beyond all my illusions about what a GOOD teacher should be. All challenges are helping me to stay awake. I have to dance to find my feet constantly, and not to boost my ego just because I get a good reputation or compliments. What a learning experience while teaching!
I’m aware that I’m still making a lot of effort instead of just being in my classes and workshops. Well…5Rhythms is an endless learning process until the last dance in my life!
I have deep trust in my gut with this practice.
I received a big gift from Gabrielle my spiritual master, Jonathan my beloved teacher and many beautiful teachers who inspired me on my dancing path with this healing practice. Now I’m returning this gift to my community who needs an oasis to drink from to feel alive with their body and soul. And I’M HAPPY!

Les Rythmes de la Vie
with Shanti bok rye Park
31 October 2015 - 31 October 2015
Studio Libre, Quebec