
Zuid Australië

The beat is a lover that never disappoints and, like all lovers, it demands 100% surrender. It has the power to seduce moves we couldn’t dream. It grabs us by the belly, turns us inside out and leaves us abruptly begging for more. ~ G. Roth

Wekelijkse Lessen

Periodic Classes

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Actuele Workshops


Adelaide - 29 Mar 2025 to 30 Mar 2025
David Juriansz

This way. That way. Another way.

Modern life. It’s humbling, when so often, so many of us, fortunate, privileged humans find we have so much choice and yet can become paralysed.

Life gets pretty mental at times. That’s one reason why I do the dance practice called 5Rhythms®. To get out of my head. 5Rhythms founder Gabrielle Roth called the overwhelmed mind ‘the chat room’ and I know I’m not the only one who can fall for the trap of hanging out in this uncomfortable, disconnected place.

In the dance, we trust our body to lead the way because it’s hard to make clear choices when we are heady, cluttered and ungrounded. Dancing Waves helps the nervous system to settle so we can tap into a whole body experience of listening for what we need. Clear direction can start to emerge.

This workshop will explore 5 directions within the 5Rhythms map. 5 simple, physical, invigorating approaches to expanding our movement repertoire and enhancing our experience on the dance floor, and hopefully, in life.

EveryBody is welcome. Let’s dance and take this in as many directions as possible.


Lokale docenten

Rivka Worth Melbourne, Victoria Geeft les sinds: 2014 Danst sinds: 1992

“Love the dance, it loves you back.”

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