

Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?

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Actuele Workshops


Petaluma - 21 Feb 2025 to 22 Feb 2025
Heeraa Sazevich

To shift… Life throws us curve balls both challenging and opportune. How we engage with unexpected circumstances is key. Can we stay centered or do we get derailed? Do we resist the changes clinging to what we want and not what is? Can we adjust our attitude and our desires to meet the moment? Often it is somewhere in between. How do we find comfort, if not excitement, in being in these shifting moments where the unknown is a gift in itself?

This 5Rhythms® moving meditation workshop is open to all levels of experience. Embodying change, we grow more aware of where we are stuck and where we are fluid. Simple and profound, the 5Rhythms® practice will offer you valuable life tools to move through changes with greater ease. 

Friday, February 21 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Saturday, February 22 12:00 - 6:30 pm

Friday only - $35

Early Saturday only - $145

Friday & Saturday - $150

Payment preferred by Venmo or Zelle. If using a credit card, Paypal is possible. 


Tending Your Dancing Body

Sacramento - 28 Feb 2025 to 2 Mar 2025
Majica Alba - Bella Dreizler

 We dance for so many incredible reasons and, if you’re a normal human being, you might be moving with some physical challenges. Those problems can intensify with dance or new ones can develop: hips, knees, feet, back, neck, shoulders. What to do? Join Bella & Majica for a dose of playful informative movement that can radically shift your practice. Instead of pushing through pain (which never works!) tend your ever-aging body with effective, nurturing self-care. Balls & rollers, power & stretch expertly woven with 5Rhythms® dance creates healing in nervous system, joints, fascia and muscle. This is life-changing feel-good movement providing long-term health benefits on and off the dance floor.

 Bella Dreizler, a physical therapist who personally knows those physical challenges & how to work through. In addition to 50 years in clinical practice, she guides yoga & 5Rhythms®, bringing body wisdom infused w/ heart & soul wherever she shows up. body joy.net

Majica Alba is a creative visionary, deeply immersed in the worlds of art, music, and dance, which she uses as therapeutic vehicles daily. She is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Certified 5Rhythms® Teacher. majicaalba.com

At The Auditorium at CLARA in Sacramento, CA 

1425 24th Street

Enroll: https://www.bodyjoy.net/calendar/#tending


Lokale docenten

Jenelle Smith Orange, California   Danst sinds: 1997

“This is the truly creative dancer, natural but not imitative, speaking in movement out of (themselves) and out of something greater than all selves. ~Joseph Campbell”

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Bettina-Kira Neumann San Francisco, California Geeft les sinds: 2024 Danst sinds: 2012

“"The most precious jewels may never see the light—but once they do, they shine." "It is a gift to have the courage to move through your wounds and find your freedom." "Deep wounds once held me hostage—believing I wasn’t good enough, that ”

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Albo Mussmann Arcata, California Geeft les sinds: 2024 Danst sinds: 2017

“Dance the World into being”

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Tim Doody New York, New York Geeft les sinds: 2024 Danst sinds: 2012

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Qibei Shen Steiner Berkeley, California Geeft les sinds: 2024 Danst sinds: 2013

“In movements, everything is possible. ”

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Tom Truman Santa Cruz, California Geeft les sinds: 2016 Danst sinds: 2006

“" Your Body is the harp of your soul and it is yours to bring forth sweet music from it or confused sounds" Khalil Gibran ”

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jacia Kornwise Chico, California Geeft les sinds: 2004 Danst sinds: 1990

“Dance when your broken open. Dance when you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free. Rumi”

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Jake Smith San Diego, California Geeft les sinds: 2024 Danst sinds: 2015

“If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying hard enough”

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Sylvie Minot Sausalito, California Geeft les sinds: 2001 Danst sinds: 1994

““The body holds stories and old wounds, and medicine as well. It has the antidote to heal itself. Through moving, we release our stories and allow healing to come through.” - Sylvie Minot”

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Alessandro Moruzzi San Francisco, California Geeft les sinds: 2014 Danst sinds: 2007

“Rain, oceans are my Flowing. Street traffic, crowds chatting are my Staccato. Waterfalls, pounding jack hammers are my Chaos. Winds, hummingbirds are my Lyrical. Echoes of drops in a cave, my breaths are my Stillness.”

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Juliette Kunin Nevada City, California Geeft les sinds: 2010 Danst sinds: 2001

“Keep dancing with that spark of truth that resides in all of us. Allow it to lead. Have the courage to leap, even when it is scary...”

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Vehllia Tranne San Francisco, California Geeft les sinds: 2014 Danst sinds: 2010

“I dance to rediscover, remember, recreate, and to return to love. It takes courage to live one's truth. Your courage breeds courage in me. Will you join me and dance our truth?”

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Christina Graham-Smith San Diego, California Geeft les sinds: 2014 Danst sinds: 2007

“Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather to all who can read it.- Martha Graham ”

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Masayo Benoist Los Angeles, California Geeft les sinds: 2014 Danst sinds: 2009

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Jo Bainbridge Cobbett Los Angeles, California Geeft les sinds: 1997 Danst sinds: 1988

“this dance is my practice; my presence, playfulness and passion meet
and the truest sense of my self emerges
here i connect to source & know my depth ”

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Majica Alba Sacramento, California   Danst sinds: 2008

“My job is to hold a sacred space where people can see what is already there.”

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Margaret Wagner San Francisco, California Geeft les sinds: 2004 Danst sinds: 2000

“Discover your ground, define your passion and voice, dissolve what holds you back, delight in your originality, dance with whatever is in the moment.”

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Davida Taurek San Rafael, California Geeft les sinds: 1987 Danst sinds: 1987

“We reside in our body to express the unique and amazing being living inside. Telling the truth through the body liberates us from the confines of social structure and hardened beliefs of self. In other words, dancing ROCKS!”

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Bella Dreizler Sacramento, California Geeft les sinds: 2008 Danst sinds: 2001

“After all this time I have no doubt: embodied physical practice in the context of a shamanic 5Rhythms wave delivers. Must be present to win. ”

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Daniela Peltekova Los Angeles, California Geeft les sinds: 2007  

“We are Gods and Goddesses with a global case of human amnesia. We dance to remember, we dance to forget, we dance to let go, to heal the cells of our body-mind and reignite the crystal imprints of our souls.”

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Kiaora Fox Santa Barbara, California Geeft les sinds: 2016 Danst sinds: 1983

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Jay and Amber Kaplan California Geeft les sinds: 1994  

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Aaron Lifshin San Francisco, California Geeft les sinds: 2016 Danst sinds: 2010

“What a surprise it was to find all the answers in the body, not the mind.”

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