5Rhythms® Gateways: Pathways through movement of the Body! One day Workshop hosted by Karen Chapman
Sunday April 6th 2025, 11am-6pm, AnandaRasa Catawba Farms, 1670 Southwest Blvd. Newton, NC 28656
$125 Payment online: PayPal.me/Chapman5Rhythms and through AnandaRasa website https://www.anandarasa.org/event-list
Contact Karen Chapman for any questions at Chapman5Rhythms@gmail.com
In this workshop, we will move to the Maps created by Gabrielle to fall in love with our bodies. Through movement we will explore all the different ways to move our body parts. We will discover how it is to move fast, slow, up, down and around on the dance floor. We will explore what body parts are challenging to move. Also to find ease, comfort and enjoy moving your body!
We will do some writing and an art experience for self expression!
There is no dance experience required, but to have a curiosity in movement of the body!
“Put your body in motion and your psyche will heal itself.” Gabrielle Roth
About 5Rhythms®
Created by Gabrielle Roth and practiced by tens of thousands worldwide. 5Rhythms® is a dynamic movement practice rooted in the principles that if you put the psyche in motion it will heal itself.
This workshop will count for 1.0 days credit of Waves for prerequisites for Teacher Training.
I look forward to moving with you all! Love K
Weekend Residential Retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
This spacious season of darkness, of lengthening days and growing light cradles us in an essential restorative energy, a contemplative space of consciousness and presence. The coming season of spring brings an equilibrium between day and night, and time for stirring, germination and awakening for many forms of life in this hemisphere. Sap rises, heart rates quicken out of hibernation, birds return from warmer climates, filling the empty skies. Buds swell and shoots break the surface of the forest floor as the ground begins to thaw. We venture out of the warmth inside our homes, back into the outdoors, with practices that renew and refresh.
As we approach the vernal equinox, we invite you to dance the polarities of the 5Rhythms as we explore each rhythm in its endarkened and enlightened expression. This journey of movement, connection, ritual, and integration is offered as a waypoint on your path to the refreshing, creative, and exhilarating energy of renewal that spring can offer.
Friday March 13 at 5pm until Sunday March 15 at 3pm
Workshop Fee:
Sponsor*: $ 335.00 | Standard: $285.00 | Reduced Rate: $235.00
Meals & Lodging additional at $375-500 depending on choice & availability
*Your payment at Sponsor level allows another to pay the reduced rate.
*If the reduced rate would still prevent your participation please complete the registration form and then email jeffrey@jeffreypboynton.com with your request. There are a limited number of registrations allowed per tier - If the tier you need to select is sold out, please contact me at jeffrey@jeffreypboynton.com.
This workshop counts as 2.5 days (15 Hours) of Waves for those on the 5Rhythms Teacher Training path.