Oost Canada
It is not about getting lost in the dance, but being found in the dance.
Wekelijkse Lessen
Actuele Workshops
Lokale docenten
Erik Iversen
Montreal, Quebec
Geeft les sinds: 1987
Danst sinds: 1981
“Teaching people to experience the pulsating sensual energy inside themselves and to awaken their connection to flowing breath, to rooted feet and to a centered ,alive pevis-reach up, root down, live in the heart center.”
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Lucie Daolio
LAnse-St-Jean, Quebec
Geeft les sinds: 2024
Danst sinds: 2015
“Naitre à soi et au monde : c'est Oser plonger dans nos Ombres et faire Scintiller nos Lumières.”
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Amy Dhindsa
Montreal, Quebec
Danst sinds: 2012
“Dancing, I'm consumed and whole, dissolved and concrete, kissing Earth and breathing sky.~Amy”
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Elise-Anne Vallieres
Val-David, Quebec
Geeft les sinds: 2014
Danst sinds: 1980
“The tribes are a-gathering
speaking in drumbeat
dancing with ghosts
sweating prayers
naming the visions
-Antonia Allawatt
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Shanti bok rye Park
Rimouski, Quebec
Geeft les sinds: 2014
Danst sinds: 1989
“No need to go looking anywhere else; everything is right here in this body, in this dance.”
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Lisa Gravel
Montreal, Quebec
“As human beings, our potential for creativity and wisdom is infinite. All we need in order to tap into it is to come back to the present moment, hold space for what is alive inside us, and allow it to move!”
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