The November Spotlight features Susanna Dobos from Switzerland writing about the monthly Spotlight newsletter and Kelly Satz from Argentina and Mexico introducing her Un Spa para el Alma (Spa for …
The October Spotlight features a share by Martha Peabody about Gabrielle Roth and Karen Chapman from NC, USA introducing her Exploring the Elements Workshop Click here to view the 2021 …
The September Spotlight features Jup Jasonius from the Netherlands and Jonathan Horan from Utah, USA. Jup introduced her Vision of Puma workshop and Jonathan writes about his God, Sex and …
Dear Daughters, Dear Sons, My body is an exact replica of my mother’s body — the proportion of breasts to hips, slender wrists and sturdy thighs — in miniature. She …
Gabrielle and I waited and searched for years to find the right artists to re-mix our music. And, finally, last year Lucia introduced me to Dhruva and Dave of Sub …
In the empty space between the beats of our hearts rests the essence of our deepest emotional being. A heart that surrenders to its feet fills a body that moves …