When we dance the shadows of the Rhythms without judgement, naming the experience, we can give ourselves permission to feel deeply, without shame. Learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable is a portal to growth in our lives. Knowing your shadow can reveal your home rhythm.
I hope you will join me for this essential 5Rhythms work. Credit will be given to those on the teaching path.
This workshop will be a day workshop, Oct 20 10am-3pm, and we will have a break from 12:15-1pm.
Moving together, we support each other, inspire each other, and we all heal more.
Contact Debby at debbynorton@gmail to register
I’s of the Soul This is the journey of the spirit through the body. We bring awareness to the space within as we carve our path through our existence. When spirit has the space to move freely, we find ecstasy. Ecstasy, not as an escape or a high, but as embodied awareness and presence. “The path to ecstasy is up through the five layers of consciousness, the five levels through which energy most naturally flows from purely physical existence to its highest spiritual potentials. “ ~ Gabrielle Roth Maps to Ecstasy The 5Rhythms will be our container and guide. Flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness are the teachers that will inform our exploration. The 5Rhythms is our practice and our ritual. Join me on this I-map of the soul’s journey to ecstasy as we explore inertia, imitation, intuition, imagination and inspiration together on the dance floor.