Julia Wolfermann
5Rhythms Teacher since 2010
Tribe Member since 1979
I grew up in Germany. There, I always felt I was Flowing quite Lyrically among, the at times, pretty intense Staccato culture. Simply surrendering to the earth's smells, tastes, touches, sights and sounds, taking my time to take in and be one with Mama Earth, indulging in dangerously carefree inertia states on the shadow side of it....always with a certain amount of lightness and joy....a bit spaced out when it was time for the Lyrical shadow side to say hell-o. Since I've lived in New York City, I also recognize my Staccato nature - Gabrielle often asked me to dance the Staccato example in her workshops... When things get really chaotic, I appreciate taking refuge in structure, clarity, heartbeat, will. Sounds from the chest. Fire full on. What will be next? I don't know. All I know is that I must be a shape shifter.
When a very dear friend asked me for the 100th time (I bow to your patience in deepest gratitude, Dagmar <3) if I was open to joining the 5Rhythms dance - this 100th time, there was Open Waves Night before Jonathan's workshop in Hamburg - a few weeks before I was taking off to acting school in NYC - in 2005. I finally agreed to take a peek. Found my kindred dancing sisters and brothers. Flew and dove into the New York City Tribe. I love divine timing.
There is NO limit of exploration if you decide to be limitless and open to new territory within you. In my own practice I found that key is to give permission, space, patience and the discipline to really reach that satisfying full YES point of each rhythm. And whenever I felt it's all over, or that this is IT, Gabrielle and Jonathan introduced me to a world where edges could be gently or wildly expanded. As we grow and change (it is inevitable - whether we embrace or deny it), our experience with each rhythm changes. There are endless possibilities. A constant relationship to the rhythms allow us to breathe and move through everything in life.
Waves are the ABC of the 5Rhythms map. It's like going back to that centered and fluid stand for the Thai Chi master, like the downward facing dog or the sun salutation for the yogi. When you learn to feel home in each rhythm, it will be easier to feel home in your emotional world, within or without your silly ego characters, with your ancestry wounds & blessings - until we feel called to set it all free.

Gate Waves - Las Olas Del Alma
with Julia Wolfermann
28 November 2014 - 30 November 2014
Mexico City - Centro Osho Mexico DF,

Shauna Devlin
5Rhythms Teacher since 2010
Tribe Member since 2005
I would say after almost 10 years of dancing the 5Rhythms, my home Rhythm is Lyrical...with great comfort and ground in Flowing, Staccato and Chaos. I have come to understand myself as a continuous unfolding work in progress, always lead by my intuition, my inner shapeshifter and a deep lightness.
I was introduced to the practice in 2006. I went to a Rumi recital. Coleman Barks and Robert Bly, at opposites sides of the stage, Persian Drummers connecting them and in the center an ecstatic dancer, Banafesh Sayad. Her movements struck such a deep cord in me. I Googled “ecstatic dance” that night and found the 5Rhythms. That week I attended my first class, bought Gabrielle's books and have not looked back since!
For me, the feminine nature of the 5Rhythms is so ancient. I believe that when we, as women, move our bodies we are tapping into that ancient feminine wisdom. This is the deep wisdom of woman as giver of life, nurturer, protector, caretaker, healer and lover. It is this wisdom found in the dance that holds and strengthens the Mother Daughter bond that can be easily fragmented in our modern culture. We use the dance to harness our deep feminine wisdom.

Nourishing Hearts A Mother & Daughter Retreat
with Shauna Devlin
14 November 2014 - 16 November 2014
Stowel Lake Farm, Salt Spring Island