

Clases Semanales

Próximos Talleres

Embracing Darkness

Bratislava - 23 May 2025 to 25 May 2025
Chris Camp

 “What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”

― Rumi

Embracing Darkness invites you into a profound exploration of the shadow—those unseen, unspoken, and untamed parts of yourself. In this workshop, we will journey through the dance of darkness not as something to be feared, but as a place of depth, mystery, and transformation. You’ll be guided to meet your edges, uncover hidden truths, and find the power that lies in embracing what is often left in the shadows.

This workshop offers a safe and supportive space to move through discomfort and resistance, transforming them into gateways for greater presence and authenticity. In the 5Rhythms® we are invited to step into the embodiment of our shadows through movement. Stagnation & Inertia (Flowing), Rigidity & Control (Staccato), Overhelm & Disconnect (Chaos), Dissociation & Distraction (Lyrical), Numbness & Apathy (Stillness) are a few of the names we give these shadows. Let's explore together the wisdom of our body and the alchemy of the dance. Step into the richness of the unknown and discover the light that emerges when you dare to embrace the dark.

The workshop counts as 2,5 waves days for the 5Rhythms® Teacher Training.
Prerequisites: 15 hours of Waves level


Play Lab

Bratislava - 5 Sep 2025 to 7 Sep 2025
Jup Jansonius

When was the last time you found yourself playing?

Playing is vital for our development.

Lets create a playground in our dancing field.

While playing we are more adventurous, curious, light, explorative and


Isn;t that what we all are longing for?

Join us and have some fun while we dive deeper into the physical & emotional fundamentals of 5rhythms

5rhythms is a movement practice based on dance. This liberating form of

dancing knows the energetic wave as its fundamental base. It is healing for

your body, heart, mind and soul.

Jup Jansonius is a Dutch teacher living in Italy. She is certified to teach

waves/heartbeat and God,Sex & the Body. She combines her experience in

dance, art, theatre, yoga & TRE with social science and humor. Her ability to

shapeshift and her spontaneous way of being herself creates a safe playground

for you to explore your dance.

She teaches worldwide & online.


Maestros Locales

Misa Trizuljakova Bratislava Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2016

“Magic happens when you do not give up.even though you want to. The universe always fall in love with stubborn heart.”

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