

Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?

Clases Semanales

Periodic Classes

5Rhythms Outdoor dancing in Nature Next Class 4 Aug 2024 Stockholm Jonas Klingberg
5Rhythms Outdoor dancing in Nature Next Class 4 Aug 2024 Stockholm Jonas Klingberg
Thursday Moves Next Class 29 Aug 2024 Stockholm Jonas Klingberg

Próximos Talleres

Summer Workshop at Hammenhoeg

Hammenhög - 3 Jul 2024 to 7 Sep 2024
Berit Hague

When you dance and move as your body wants and can in the moment without demands on how it should look like or be, your whole being relaxes and your life energy is naturally activated.

Suddenly it feels good , it may even be fun and even fantastic if you like the music. Joy flows through your whole being just because Rhythm, movement and freedom in your body creates Joy.

This also open for a deeper contact with ourselves. We become conscious about things in our lives, what is important for us now, what is challenging, what we really do not want anymore and what we long for.

In our workshop you are invited to look at all these questions and issues, if you want to, while we are dancing. And we are not looking for practical results or answers here, only a higher consciousness about what you already know on a deeper level and a confirmation of this for yourself.

There will be sharings and may be a relevant ceremony.

Our focus is:

What is important for you now

What do you need.

How can I relate to all this the best way possible, as it is now.

There will also be possible for you to paint or draw and to write.

If you are not able to bring tools for this, please contact the organizer, so that you can hire what you need.



Varberg - 9 Aug 2024 to 11 Aug 2024
Prateeksha Katarina Thundal

 An Inner Journey

During this weekend we will explore the trust to ourselves on a deeper level. We live in a hectic world and it’s easy to lose ourselves.

Maybe there is a part of our life that is not flowing as we would like or we might do everything to live up to others expectations, we might feel a pressure and just get more stressed. We all have different triggers in our life but if we don’t know why we react as we do we just go on an auto pilot and feel worse and get more tired. It might have gone so long so we have become identified with a certain manner or even worse, some of us might be living our life in total denial to our needs and feelings and have become numb to it and just keep going. All this will be shown in our relationships, in our relationship to our body, in our creativity and on our energy level, even though our life might look perfect on the outside.

During this workshop we will look at which strategies we are using in order not to feel uncomfortable. We will use dance, energy work, teaching about strategies and compensations, exercises, meditations and sharings.

We will get a deeper understanding of how this impact our daily life today and what we can do to take better care about ourselves. When we bring more awareness to the situations something starts to shift on the inside.

This workshop will take place in a beautiful space at Kulturskolan in Varberg 400 meter from the sea, beaches and rocks. There will be plenty of time for swimming, walks along the sea, surfing, SUP or by strolling on the beaches watching the magic of sunset. There are plenty of restaurants both right on the beach with sea view and a large number of restaurants in the city. It will be an overall experience on many levels.


Maestros Locales

Jonas Klingberg Stockholm Teaching Since: 2004 Baila desde: 1993

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Susanne Nilsson Stockholm   Baila desde: 2003

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. -Rabindranath Tagore”

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Prateeksha Katarina Thundal Varberg Teaching Since: 2010 Baila desde: 2004

“Everything is stored in our body and our body can not lie. What we resist persist. Letting go is all we can do for a healing transformation.”

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Adam Eisen Stockholm   Baila desde: 2013

““Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ~Henry David Thoreau”

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Berit Hague Stockholm Teaching Since: 2004 Baila desde: 1990

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Maria Slattorp (Teacher In Training) Malmo   Baila desde: 2004

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