

Clases Semanales


Ondas dos 5Ritmos - 15 Feb 2025 Rio de Janeiro Rosa Valgode
Ondas dos 5Ritmos - 15 Mar 2025 Rio de Janeiro Rosa Valgode


Ondas dos 5Ritmos on-line 16 Feb 2025 Rio de Janeiro Rosa Valgode
Ondas dos 5Ritmos on-line 16 Mar 2025 Rio de Janeiro Rosa Valgode
Ondas dos 5Ritmos on-line 30 Mar 2025 Rio de Janeiro Rosa Valgode

Periodic Classes

Próximos Talleres

Enraizando o Ser

Sao Paulo - 16 May 2025 to 18 May 2025
Rosa Valgode - Fátima Falcao


Os ritmos são uma metáfora poderosa para enraizar, reconectar, expandir e estar presente no Ser que nos habita. Há muitas possibilidades para desvendar esse grande mistério de múltiplas facetas que nos constitui.

Em um mundo em completa transformação o enraizamento é o encontro do território seguro em se tornar quem se É.

Como viveremos esta experiência?

. nos conectando com nosso próprio centro, onde poderemos habitar a leveza que reside em nosso núcleo;

. praticando os ritmos para habitar a leveza através da inércia e do peso, liberando nossos controles;

. dançando através de ondas que movimentarão nosso corpo e nos levarão por uma jornada para sentir nosso peso e transformá-lo em leveza.

Música e movimento serão nossos catalisadores para expandir e encontrar a leveza de nossos pés.


Soul Revival

Sao Paulo - 5 Sep 2025 to 7 Sep 2025
Lorca Simons

 Let’s gather to whisper and circle from the ground our rites of restoration.

Let’s stand and shout to rally the forces that revitalise our spirited dreams into creative realities.

Let’s surrender our bones to the beat that can hold it all and regenerate our faith in the mystery.

Let’s deliver our stories from the heart of the feet to resurrect the light and shadows that seep, shine and soars through us.

Let’s invite spirit to be our barometer and witness in this exploration and celebration of what it means to be soulfully revived.

Rooted in the Waves Map with live, interactive and in the moment explorations in a grounded container, and concentrated in 5Rhythms Ritual Theatre perspectives Lorca will invoke this dynamic practice’s principal: If you put the psyche in motion it will heal itself. Movement is both the medicine and the metaphor. Setting your compass for the unpredictable come and be prepared for individual and collective fascination, radical unity and edgy grace.

What is Live Wire?

Live Wire is an embodied ritual theatre investigation, grounded in the movement maps of 5Rhythms®, devoted to the shapeshifting nature of physical art, and guided by the vision of Lorca Simons and Gabrielle Roth and artist Martha Peabody. Designed to inspire, refresh, re-set and connect. Our time will include movement, creative excavations, collective truth-telling and beauty-making.

In these laboratories we illuminate language, uncover gesture and free the mind through our theatrical investigation. Unlocking the stories our bodies are longing to tell. Turning suffering into art, art into awareness and awareness into action. We dance. We sweat. We pray. 


Maestros Locales

Sybelle de Lima Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2018

“When I dance my own dance, my divine self goes through me and explodes in ecstasy for life. Quando danço minha própria dança, meu eu divino me atravessa e explode em êxtase pela vida. ”

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Rosa Valgode Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2014

““Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” ~ Rumi.”

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Meisy Llobenes Sao Paulo Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2018

“My true passion is dance and movement as the greatest catalyst for soulful expression. I believe in the mystery that I can feel everytime I’m able to show up on the dance floor. ”

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Fátima Falcao - Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2015

““Dance, dance. Otherwise we are lost.”Bausch, Pina ”

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