

Once you get out of the way, the way becomes you and you become the way.

Clases Semanales

Periodic Classes

5Rhythms Waves in Valencia with Beatriz Sánchez, FORMAS VIVAS Next Class 28 Feb 2025 Valencia Beatriz Sánchez
5Rhythms Sunday Waves Next Class 9 Mar 2025 Madrid Janis Fernandez

Próximos Talleres

In the Name of Love

Madrid - 21 Feb 2025 to 23 Feb 2025
Willemijn de Dreu

Love is all. It breaks us open, lifts us up, brings us to our knees. 

We all know it and when it’s not there, we crave for it.

Yet love has many faces. Wars have been fought in the name of love.

Our personal experiences and global stories are stored in our bodies. 

Imprints in our nervous system.

This effects the way we relate to ourselves, another, or how we take action in the world. 

Dance is a wonderful and fast way to integrate information about life and love. Without having to think about it, the body expresses itself, blocked energy starts to move and shift. This weekend it is up to the body to speak about fear, space, boundaries, heartbreaks and healing.

We ground, express, release, set free so there is space for compassion. 

In the name of love for the dance, humanity, connection.


I just can't control my feet

Valencia - 22 Feb 2025 to 22 Feb 2025
Violeta Valenzuela



Maestros Locales

Glòria Solé Banús Berga, Catalunya Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2015

“Les arrels sota terra no demanen recompensa per fer que les branques donin fruits. (R. Tagore) ”

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Violeta Valenzuela Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2016

“Dance so deeply that you completely forget that you are dancing and begin to feel that you are the Dance ~ Osho ~ ”

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Krisztina Mezosi Fuengirola, Andalucia Teaching Since: 2024  

“If you want to give birth to your true self, you are going to have to dig deep down into that body of yours and let your soul howl. Gabrielle Roth”

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Ada Gredilla Vizcaya, Pais Vasco Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2017

“If you have a body, you are a dancer. Gabrielle Roth.”

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Elurtza Etxebeste-Gelbentzu Donostia/San Sebastian Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2011

“ Dakidan gauza bakarra da ezer ez dakidala · Sólo sé que no sé nada · All I know is that I know nothing. Sócrates ”

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Aizpea Mujika Guipuzcoa, Pais Vasco Teaching Since: 2024 Baila desde: 2018

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Helena Barquilla Panadero Vizcaya, Pais Vasco Teaching Since: 2007 Baila desde: 2003

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Irene Hernandez Sanchez Murcia, Region de Murcia Teaching Since: 2014 Baila desde: 2009

“Dancing brings me here and now. It helps me re-connect my body-mind-spirit , relate to others clearer and from love, and deeply trust in the divine.”

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Seraf al Zaurak Klarwein Palma, Islas Baleares Teaching Since: 2016 Baila desde: 2007

“Calming the mind, Listening to the body, Dreaming the soul, Loving the spirit, Yours and mine. Together, we will flow and flicker. Together, we will rise and shine. Breathing life into our dance and dancing breath into our lives. ”

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Juli Borras Barcelona, Catalunya   Baila desde: 2015

“The 5Rhythms are a map to everywhere we want to go—inner, outer, forward, back, physical, emotional, intellectual—they reconnect us to the wisdom of our bodies and unleash movement’s dynamic healing power”

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Azahara Galan Arezzo, Tuscany   Baila desde: 2011

“Breath is my medicine”

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Laura Carrasco Malaga, Andalucia   Baila desde: 2012

“Dance gives me life and returns me to every movement”

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Ana Escoda Vitoria Teaching Since: 2016 Baila desde: 1989

“I learned about this beautiful map long time ago when I was a Modern Dancer in New York. The first reading of the book already had an effect in my understanding about both my body and my dance and inspired as well my dance teaching. ”

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Janis Fernandez Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid   Baila desde: 2011

“Dance like nobody is watching Baila como si nadie estuviera mirando”

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Emma Llaneza Barcelona, Catalunya   Baila desde: 2013

“Dance like everybody's watching. Dance like your children are watching, your ancestors, your family. Dance for those who're hurting,those who can't dance,those who lost loved ones,those who suffer injustices throughout the world. Express your TRUTH.”

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