

„Pleši sam da bi otkrio tko si.
Pleši s drugima da bi otkrio s kim si.
Pleši u grupi kako bi otkrio svoje mjesto. Pokreni svoju psihu i sama će se iscijeliti“ Gabrielle Roth

Clases Semanales


URBAN WAVES Zagreb Silvija Tomcik

Periodic Classes

5RHYTHMS SWEAT Next Class 20 Apr 2024 Sibenik Franka Dodig

Próximos Talleres

Vitamin 5R

Split - 21 Apr 2024 to 21 Apr 2024
Ivana Cicarelli

Što je “Vitamin 5R” i zašto se koristi?

“Vitamin 5R” je radionica plesne prakse 5Ritmova gdje smo pozvani družiti se što više sa našim fizičkim/tjelesnim aspektom na način da pokrenemo tijelo, uprisutnimo dah i dozvolimo sebi da se iz toga rađa ples. Dakle, ovaj vitamin koristi se kako bi nas podržao i osnažio na putu dubljeg povezivanja, otkrivanja, iscjeljivanja...i da bismo ga konzumirali ne trebamo se (po)savjetovati sa svojim liječnikom opće prakse, no možemo ga pozvati na probno testiranje :)

Kakvog je sastava?

Sastav ovog vitamina je poprilično jedinstven: 5 djelotvornih ritmova ( Tečni, Stakato, Kaos, Lirski i Duboka tišina) potpuno prirodnog porijekla, omogućuju našem tijelu da se kreće na različite načine i tako vježba biti fluidan, osnažen/aktivan, slobodan, lagan, miran. 

Kakve su posljedice/dobrobiti konzumiranja ovog “pripravka”?

Ova vrsta vitamina nema štetnih posljedica, a od nuspojava za sada su zabilježene bezbrojne : “odlazim osnažena; moje tijelo je mirnije; zahvalna sam na ovom iskustvu; osvjestila sam da imam ramena, lopatice, kukove; moja odluka susrela je moje srce; ako ne zna moja glava, znaju moja stopala; danas sam viđen; ne moram se okrenuti zidu da bih sakrila suze...”

Al to nije sve :)

Ne postoji nikakva opasnost od konzumiranja veće niti manje količine vitamina 5R jer vam tijelo izbalansira vašu potrebnu količinu, bilo da vam je prvo ili “ento” iskustvo. 

Preduvijeti...su da imate (znati)želju/potrebu /volju da se pojavite i pokrenete. Možda ćete znati odakle i s čim započeti svoj ples, no bit će zanimljivo, možda i iznenađujuće osjetiti gdje ćete/ćemo stići.

Ovo su otvorena 3 sata prakse 5Ritmova. 

Na učiteljskom treningu broji se kao 0.5 dana Valova.

Radionica je namjenjena za odrasle osobe, bez obzira na spol, iskustvo, raznorazna opredjeljenja, fizičku spremnost ili nijanse uvjerenja “ne znam plesat”. Vaše tijelo zna :) 

Datum i vrijeme: nedjelja 21.04.2024. od 10:00 – 13:00

Mjesto održavanja: joga dvorana, Studio One

Gradišćanskih Hrvata 16, Split

lokacija : https://studioone.hr/lokacija/

Info: Ivana, 098 678 314, plesologija@gmail.com

Prijave: Prijave su isključivo putem popunjavanja on line prijavnice pod linkom:




Sutivan - 29 Jul 2024 to 4 Aug 2024
Silvija Tomcik - Thierry Francois


5Rhythms® Summer workshop – Waves level

Led by Silvija Tomčik and Thierry Francois

Sutivan, Island of Brač, CROATIA



“May you be well in body, mind and spirit

May you feel safe in your body

May you have space to rest

May you have space to play

May you be nourished by pleasure

May your voice be met with kind and receptive ears

May you trust in the wisdom of your body.”

Gina M. Puorro

This workshop is a wonderful opportunity to practice both the power of moving and the art of resting. Whether in the dance hall or on the beach, in the shade, on the waves or having an ice-cream, we will be discovering the beauty, wisdom, gifts, and challenges in both moving and resting, while looking for the essential balance. We will be dancing for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening, which leaves plenty of precious time for enjoying other benefits of being on an island, being with oneself, with nature, with others. Every day we will explore one of the 5 Rhythms in depth.

Prerequisites: 20 hours of Waves level

This workshop counts as 5 days Waves towards the Teacher Training. 

The workshop begins on Monday 29th of July at 19:00 h and ends on Sunday 4th of August at 12:00 h.

Workshop is led in English.

Silvija & Thierry:: 

Silvija Tomcik was introduced to Gabrielle Roth’s teachings through her book Maps to Ecstasy in her early twenties. It was a powerful encounter, which motivated Silvija to begin searching for 5Rhythms teachers with whom she could dance. She organized numerous 5Rworkshops in Croatia and Slovenia, bringing the practice for the first time to this part of the world. At the time she was working in the Center for Peace Studies and leading workshops on gender issues. She finished the Waves Teacher Training with Gabrielle in 2001, and Heartbeat Teacher Training in 2010. Silvija regularly teaches at weekend workshops and retreats internationally. In her teaching she combines clarity, with imagination, humour with wisdom and a great variety of music. Her grounded way of dancing is inspiring. She is passionate about the freedom of being in the body as a way of prompting everyone to discover their personal dance and healing movement.   

Thierry has been dancing from a very early age, beginning with ballet lessons when he was a kid, pursuing theater in his 20s in order to express himself and share his inspiration with others, all the while perfecting himself through numerous practices such as dancing, mime and clown work. He is also a certified and experienced Gestalt therapist. In the early 2000s, he came across 5Rhythms and it enabled him to finally integrate body work into his practice. In 2010, he completed the 5Rhythms Teacher Training with Gabrielle Roth, Waves level, and is currently training for the Heartbeat level with Jonathan Horan. He is also committed to working with men’s groups, through ManKind Project. His unique way of teaching is the result of all these different aspects which he brings to his work with great enthusiasm, communicating his passion in a creative and humorous way. His strength lies in his openness to challenges and his absolute love of music.


Maestros Locales

Romana Soldo Zagreb Teaching Since: 2016 Baila desde: 2004

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Zdenka Sajko Zagreb Teaching Since: 2004 Baila desde: 2000

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Ivana Cicarelli Zagreb   Baila desde: 2007

“The best reason to move is because you can.”

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Silvija Tomcik Zagreb Teaching Since: 2001  

“"You belong to your body. Your body belongs to the Dance."”

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Lucija Glagolic Hora Zagreb Teaching Since: 2007 Baila desde: 1998

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Lana Gorup Munich / Muenchen Teaching Since: 2016 Baila desde: 2005

“Feet on Earth know. - G.R.”

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Franka Dodig (Teacher In Training) Sibenik   Baila desde: 2017

“To be moved by your own movement is a gift. Dare to take it. ”

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Thierry Francois (Heartbeat In Training) Zagreb Teaching Since: 2010 Baila desde: 1999

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