

It is not about getting lost in the dance, but being found in the dance.

Tjedni Satovi

Periodic Classes


Anatomy of the 5Rhythms

Aarhus - 4 Mar 2025 to 29 Apr 2025
Laila Wodtke Nissen

5 Tuesdays - 5 Rhythms
We will explore the anatomy of each rhythms 
for more info read http://lailanissen.dk/events/anatomyof5rhythms/


Relatedness - 5 days Waves intensive

Borkop - 26 Mar 2025 to 30 Mar 2025
Jan Redsted - Annette Uhlemann


5Rhythms® Waves Intensive -Explore the wonders and challenges of being rooted, centered and grounded, in meeting others

Grounded in the waves of the 5Rhythms® practice this workshop is a call to be connected and allow relationship to self, partner, groupenergy, humanity and space.

5Rhythms can be a strong catalyst for change
This Intensive 5Rhythms Waves workshop aims us to be grounded, rooted, centered and true to self in meeting others. An invitation to hold and create space for eachother that is safe to feel, express and move what arises. A moving meditation, investigation and witnessing with attention and awareness. To get out of the way and allow the shift of attention; from the Dancer to the Dance, from moving to being moved.

The 5Rhythms Waves
FLOWING awakens the natural fluidity of the body and move, whatever arises with embracing softness. STACCATO is relating and expressing clarity by being focused and heartfelt. In Staccato we examine connecting to others by daring to see and be seen, feeling boundaries, allow differences and to be fascinated. Dancing CHAOS breaks us free and throws us into the beat. It liberates from all ideas about who and what we are and is an invitation to a real and sensed experience of being total, intuitive and free. Completing by surrendering to unity and the energy we can hold and create together in LYRICAL and remembering ancient roots and give space for aliveness and the vibrant feeling of life it self and vast space in STILLNESS

“When you dance with others, you can experience a
profound sense of connection and community, a feeling
that you are part of something greater than yourself.”
Gabrielle Roth


Lokalni Učitelji

Günther Schrader Aarhus    

Više obavijesti i raspored
Jan Redsted Vejle Podučava Od: 2004 Pleše od: 1998

“Life is set up to bring up what has been bound up, so it can open up to be freed up, so you can show up for Life. Mary O'Malley ”

Više obavijesti i raspored
Nina Ejlskov Vester Skerninge Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 2004

“"You are nothing else but pure love, manifested as a human. The only thing you have to do, is to embodied that"”

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Birgitte Rassmussen Copenhagen Podučava Od: 2007 Pleše od: 1997

“Dancing the 5Rhythms release energy and creativity, melt tensions and root the soul in the body”

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Annette Uhlemann - Podučava Od: 2005 Pleše od: 1998

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Brian Kjoeller Copenhagen   Pleše od: 2007

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Ane Friis - Podučava Od: 2016 Pleše od: 2003

“The floor is my friend”

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