Gaia - A 5Rhythms & Work That Reconnects Daylong
with Layah Jane, Amy Lister & Ciara Hefferon
Many of us are living with a sense of anxiety, overwhelm, and despair around the climate crisis.
How do we process what we are living and keep stepping into our place in the ecology of change?
5Rhythms is a dynamic movement meditation practice that offers us a map for embodying our creative capacity to meet all that life brings. There are no steps to follow. Instead, we show up, tune in and move what is alive in us.
Let's move in the Equinox balance of dark and light.
Let's feel for the body, breath, earth song that sings sap through roots and limbs.
Let's water seeds of creation.
Let's welcome the Spring sun to renew and enliven our dancing prayers.
All are welcome here: all bodies, races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, abilities & disabilities, and movement experience.