

Imagination is powerful. Imagination is healing. All you need is the courage to visualize what should be, and then give yourself to its creation. The result may not be what you expected, but it will be right. ~G. Roth

Tjedni Satovi

Periodic Classes


Warrior Heart

Newtownmountkennedy - 1 May 2025 to 6 May 2025
Sherron St Clair

Embodying the emotional intelligence of the Heart.

5 Full days Heartbeat Workshop 

Warrior Heart 

Exploring the terrains of the heart, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Joy & Compassion. 

This Beautiful Residential Retreat allows us to drop deep! Whilst being supported by Nature.

To Work, REST & Play with the 5Rhythms. Working at our own pace, time to come undone, whilst re-membering ourselves, body part by body part. 

The ISSUES are in the TISSUES, it's here we reveal, feel, witness & heal. 

Sli na Bande is pure magic. Organic home made food where possible & in season.

We shall have access to the hot tub, sauna, pond & bonfire.


Summer School Sligo 2025

Galway - 21 Jul 2025 to 25 Jul 2025
Caitriona Nic Ghiollaphadraig

This is the first year offering the 5 Rhythms® Summer School in the Rock House, Co. Sligo on the shores of Lough Arrow, F52 X720.

We will use 5 Rhythms®, a mindful movement practice to support us in the investigation of our creative, fun-loving essential nature. We will be guided by Sadhbh O’ Neill to enhance our creativity through the medium of art and collage making. We will explore and learn about the unique landscape that is Sligo with Mary Quinlan. And there will be ample time for sea /lake swimming and relaxing. The Summer School is open to all whether you are coming for the first time or if you have been here before.

Practical Details

Dates: Start: July 21st 2025 at 1pm with lunch; Finish on 25th at 4pm.

Accommodation: Shared Accommodation Only.

There are 9 en-suite bedrooms that have a mix of sleeping arrangements with double beds, single beds and bunks.  If you have a preference to share with someone specific, please indicate this when booking.

If paid in full by July 1st 

Accommodation is €850 per person sharing;

After July 1st 

Accommodation is €900 per person sharing;

 A deposit of €300 (non-refundable, non- transferable) must be sent together with Booking form (see below) to confirm a booking.

The Full Fee must be paid in full by July 14th 2025.

Food: Vegetarian; please indicate on the application form if you have dietary requirements.

Clothes: Informal, loose layers. Outdoor shoes for walking in Sligo.

Arrival: We will start gathering for lunch at 1pm. Please arrive beforehand to book in and sort your accommodation.

Booking: The number of participants is limited to 18 so early booking advised.

If posting send the booking form with deposit to Caitríona Nic Ghiollaphádraig,

Aughrismore, Cleggan, H71RX03 Co. Galway.

Online: use PayPal via website and email booking form to roisin@embodiedbrain.ie

All forms available at embodiedbrain.ie


Lokalni Učitelji

Kathryn Speedie Dublin, Dublin Podučava Od: 2024 Pleše od: 2008

“O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, how can we know the dancer from the dance? WB Yeats. ”

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Jenny Fahy Limerick Podučava Od: 2007 Pleše od: 2000

“If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance. - George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright”

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Sherron St Clair Greystones, Wicklow Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 2007

“Nothing happens until something moves. ~ Albert Einstein It is in the PRACTICE of the 5Rhythms that I have come to know it as a safe container to ' Let Go and be Myself. ' Through movement, breath and dance, whatever condition I may be in, shift hap”

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Helen Bohan Cork, Cork Podučava Od: 2010 Pleše od: 2000

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Caitriona Nic Ghiollaphadraig Dublin Podučava Od: 1997 Pleše od: 1990

“ We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot ”

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Irene Ward Dublin Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 1997

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Catherine Gaynor Dublin, Dublin Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 1999

“Into the Wind... Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your Feet ... ”

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