

Once you get out of the way, the way becomes you and you become the way. ~G. Roth

Tjedni Satovi


5Rhythms Dancing for Birth, zwangerschapsdans

Amstelveen - 2 Sep 2018 to 31 Jul 2025
Monika Korschner

A combination of 5Rhythms and Dancing for Birth, creating freedom of movement, body awareness and offering specific tools during the 3 phases op pregnancy, birth and fresh motherhood. 

These classes/workshop a momentary only offered as private classes. 



Roodeschool - 24 Jul 2024 to 28 Jul 2024
Rimke Pepers

 5 Day residential Summer Retreat with 5Rhythms Dance Meditation, Sweat Lodge Ceremony and Rituals in co creation with Michaela van der Meer 


Lokalni Učitelji

Pauline van Hezik S-Hertogenbosch Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 2000

“Bring your life to the dancefloor, bring the dancefloor to your life!”

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Dorine Hoog Utrecht Podučava Od: 2010 Pleše od: 2004

“Once we open up to the flow of energy within our body, we can also open up to the flow of energy in the universe. (Wilhelm Reich) ”

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Caroline Van de Ven Nijmegen Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 2008

“Live your life like everyday is a beautiful day to die”

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Ron Hagendoorn Rotterdam Podučava Od: 2007 Pleše od: 2000

“Movement acts just like a medicine on the body. Sometimes through minute movements, sometimes big and outrageous ones. Right across this spectrum of movements healing can take place. ”

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Jup Jansonius Amsterdam Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 1995

“Even the smallest step can be the beginning of a mayor journey into new territory. Join me on this beautiful adventure called the 5 rhythms.”

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Willemijn de Dreu Deventer Podučava Od: 1997 Pleše od: 1993

“Our time here is precious. So let’s come to the essential. A heart beat, a breath, a dance. ”

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Arjan Bouw - Podučava Od: 2004 Pleše od: 1996

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Tineke de Wit Haarlem Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 1996

“Dance me to the end of Love.....”

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Rian van Duijnhoven Schijndel Podučava Od: 2010 Pleše od: 2003

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”

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Rimke Pepers Hoorn Podučava Od: 2014 Pleše od: 2009

“A dance of freedom and love for all creation”

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Dirk Jan Dullemond Wageningen   Pleše od: 2001

“Resistance is futile, shall we move? ”

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Sietske Venema Utrecht Podučava Od: 1997 Pleše od: 1991

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Monika Korschner Amstelveen Podučava Od: 2007 Pleše od: 1994

“In this very breath that we now take lies the secret that all great teachers try to tell us. (Peter Matthiessen)”

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Mirjam Van Hasselt Amsterdam Podučava Od: 2010 Pleše od: 2003

“let's enjoy the ride..”

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Beer Deurvorst Amsterdam   Pleše od: 2008

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paula bakx (Teacher In Training) Castricum   Pleše od: 2005

“Get grounded, let your thoughts go and enjoy your dance! Good connections will then develop with your truest self, with other dancers and the whole community... ”

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Nienke Das - Boeijenga (Teacher In Training) Groningen   Pleše od: 2011

“‘Movement isn’t only meditation; it’s also medicine that heals the split between our minds and hearts, bodies and soul.’ Gabrielle Roth”

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Anneke Van der Schoor (Teacher In Training) Gouda   Pleše od: 2002

“Let's move it !”

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