Marcia Wakarchuk Jones
5Rhythms Teacher since 2014
Tribe Member since 1996
“Mine is a dancing path” — Gabrielle Roth
My first experience of the 5Rhythms was around 1997, in Cambridge, England with Adam Barley at the helm. I was perplexed that everyone seemed to know what to do without detailed choreographic instruction. Adam just looked at me and said, “keep moving”. My first few classes left me both fascinated and terrified at the same time. What was this movement practice that shook up my body and soul in a way I had never experienced and had me hungry for more?
Moving back home to Vancouver in 1999, there were no local 5Rhythms teachers. I became a 5Rhythms junkie, seeking workshops with Gabrielle’s main faculty. I cracked open old wounds, cleared out stale emotions and wiped my soul clean. Those early days were challenging while I weathered intense healing crises. But, no matter what was going on for me, I found a way to move it and transform it through the dance.
Gabrielle’s mantra to “move the body in order to heal the psyche” was a revelation for me. I became fascinated with how the moving body was intimately interconnected with the emotional and spiritual aspects of our “being”. I dove into somatic studies of developmental movement patterning, Laban Movement Analysis, Bartenieff Fundamentals, Dance Movement Therapy and Integrative Body Psychotherapy. Each modality added texture and richness to my 5Rhythms dance, resulting in my physical practice blossoming into a symphony of movement that enlivened and excited me. I was in head-over-heals in love with the 5Rhythms dancing path.
It was time to answer the call to step up to teach the 5Rhythms. In 2013 I entered into the training circle, emerging in 2014 with a profound respect for all teachers who came before me.
In 2017, Bella Dreizler organized a teacher gathering in Sacramento where I taught my 5Rhythms blended somatic practices. Bella and I instantly recognized that our individual approaches to working with the physical body within the 5Rhythms practice would be even more powerful if we married them together. Hence, RESOURCE was born! We are so excited to offer this unique approach to catalyze a more integrative experience of the dance.

Resource: a deeper being
with Bella Dreizler & Marcia Wakarchuk Jones
12 October 2018 - 14 October 2018
The Russian Hall , Vancouver

Bella Dreizler
United States
5Rhythms Teacher since 2008
Tribe Member since 2001
First memory? I’m four years old and dancing…trancing out to Liberace of all things. Seven decades later I can fully appreciate the blessings of a challenging childhood. Despite the trauma, a fascination for nature was nurtured…ocean, lakes, forest, mountains…camping before camping was even a thing. I have a poem written at age nine about God and the ocean. Also, my engineer papa inspired an empirical curiosity about the world that zeroed in, for me, on all things human body and healing. What an early tapestry: nature and God, science and body and healing…and always the dance. Before I knew what I know now, Gabrielle’s quote was at work in me: “Set the body in motion and the psyche will heal itself.”
Grateful for an early instinct that led me to a rich professional life honing the physical therapy arts. Years of developing hands on manual skills as I witnessed, coached, empowered patients to move toward self-healing. Curiosity led me to reach beyond the physical---open wide to integrating body, mind and spirit---through practicing and teaching yoga. Then life took a random left turn at fifty: an Esalen 5Rhythms class. Nothing was ever the same after that. The more I danced, the more I uncovered that crusty defended heart and also a soul yearning to break free.
It’s been a long winding road playing on this juicy edge twixt science and spirituality. Some imagine a conflict between the two. But my personal pendulum has swung back and forth and I just don’t see them as mutually exclusive, rather I see how they support and inform each other. I’m in utter bliss teaching the core body of work that organically emerged at the confluence of physical therapy, yoga and 5Rhythms: Fluidity, Power and Release, an embodied cultivation of awe, deep exploration of what it means to move from inside out. I’ve learned to trust that embodied medicine, because what emerges for students---heart, mind, soul, spirit---is authentic and of value. The body never lies.
Marcia and I are truly soul sisters in this body-wise niche of conscious dance. Looking forward to an incredible collaborative ride with her and you for Resource: a deeper being. Please join us in October.

Resource: a deeper being
with Bella Dreizler & Marcia Wakarchuk Jones
12 October 2018 - 14 October 2018
The Russian Hall , Vancouver