

Dance is the fastest, most direct route to the truth. ~ G. Roth

Weekly Classes

Periodic Classes

Dancing on the Sea Next Class 27 Jul 2024 Livorno alessia lencioni
WEDNESDAY SUNSET WAVE 5RITMI con le cuffie Next Class 31 Jul 2024 Palermo Dario Pastore
Dancing on the Beach Next Class 10 Aug 2024 Pisa alessia lencioni
5Ritmi RIMINI Silent Moves Next Class 31 Aug 2024 Rimini Olivia Palmer
5RHYTHMS OUTDOOR Next Class 12 Sep 2024 Milan Marcella Panseri

Upcoming Workshops


Rome - 25 Jul 2024 to 28 Jul 2024
MariaSole Ingravallo - Tim Barnes

 What is it to be connected to your Essence? To move, dance and live from a place that is essential to yourSelf…

Join MariaSole Ingravallo and Tim Barnes, Certified 5Rhythms Dance Teachers, for a transformative retreat this July in the idyllic Italian countryside.

Over four days we’ll harness the dance to shed layers, ignite the divine spark and reveal our raw truth. Our journey is one in which we set sail for the ecstasy of life knowing that at the core of our being we can overcome any wave.

Alongside dancing the 5Rhythms every day, we will be enriching and grounding our journey together by drawing on our respective somatic and tantric backgrounds. Using our perspectives to help see past that which isn’t essential, to edge beyond dualities, and find the fullness in the emptiness. Ensuring each session, set within one of Italys’ most gorgeous retreat centres, is truly full.

This workshop will be led both in Italian and in English 



Cosa significa essere connessi alla propria Essenza? Muoversi, danzare e vivere da un luogo che è essenziale per il tuo Sé...

Unisciti a MariaSole Ingravallo e Tim Barnes, insegnanti certificati di danza dei 5Ritmi, per un ritiro trasformativo questo luglio nella pittoresca campagna italiana.

Per quattro giorni utilizzeremo la danza per liberarci da strati e maschere che non ci servono più, accendere la scintilla divina e rivelare la nostra verità più autentica. Il nostro viaggio è quello in cui prendiamo il largo per l'estasi della vita sapendo che nel nucleo del nostro essere possiamo superare qualsiasi onda.

Oltre a danzare i 5Ritmi ogni giorno, arricchiremo e radicheremo il nostro viaggio insieme attingendo alle nostre rispettive esperienze somatiche e tantriche. Utilizzeremo le nostre prospettive per aiutarci a vedere oltre ciò che non è essenziale, oltrepassare le dualità e trovare la pienezza nella vuoto. Assicurando che ogni sessione, ambientata in uno dei più splendidi centri ritiro d'Italia, sia veramente completa.

Questo seminario sarà guidato sia in inglese che in italiano.

25-28 luglio 2024

Borgo Paola, Bracciano.

(A meno di 1 ora dall'aeroporto di Roma FCO)

Orario di arrivo dalle 11:00;

Orario di partenza entro le 19:00.



Catanzaro - 3 Aug 2024 to 10 Aug 2024
Marcella Panseri

To love without being influenced by the shadows of your past.

Exploring new territories within ourselves.

Allow yourself to be touched by love without resistance, without fear, with an open heart. What happens inside us when we truly surrender to love?

When does the need to be loved give way to the desire to love and share your feelings?

What do we touch when we truly open up to the other?

We will explore this aspect of love together by combining different practices and working on the resources that we can activate in our continuous FALLING IN LOVE.

5Rhythms, Body Therapy, Conscious Movement.

Rocco Falconeri, Mukunda

Body psychotherapist, facilitator of growth and movement paths, trainer. Constantly on the move. www.roccofalconeri.it

Marcella Panseri: teacher of 5Rhythms, Soul Motion, co-founder of ConsciousDanceItaly. Forever student.


"Dancing alone in front of everyone. Dancing all the anger accumulated in the unconscious. Dancing at sunset at the top of Assisi. Dancing in the evening at a midsummer party with our most beautiful dresses. There are no words, just photos, images, flashes. Hugs, smiles, peace, well-being. The healing is accomplished. There is no longer struggle but celebration and poetry.

Celebrating the light, sacred, unique experience of one's creative, conscious physical and spiritual being, making peace with ancient wounds and traumas not alone but together with 50 other people, was beautiful.

From that experience my heart changed shape and color, I don't know how to describe in any other way the change that Marcella and Rocco allowed me, with love and connection, I would also say in symbiosis with my spirit.

Thanks Marcella! Thanks Rocco! Thanks for the fabulous work you do!"

Giuliana Paganin


After Lake Bracciano and Assisi, this year Falling in love has finally found a home by the sea. In Borgo degli Ulivi, in Sellia Marina, province of Catanzaro in Calabria.

You can choose 3 types of accommodation: single, double, quadruple (two connecting double rooms). The menu will be based on fish, meat and vegetarian.

Beach and swimming pool are included.

Check in to the rooms from 5.00 pm, check out from the rooms at 10.00 am. It is possible to arrive earlier and stay later by staying in the village, at the swimming pool, on the beach, in the common areas.






Local Teachers

Marcella Panseri Milano    

“The essential is invisible to the eyes.”

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Alessandro Moruzzi San Francisco, California Teaching Since: 2014 Dancing Since: 2007

“Rain, oceans are my Flowing. Street traffic, crowds chatting are my Staccato. Waterfalls, pounding jack hammers are my Chaos. Winds, hummingbirds are my Lyrical. Echoes of drops in a cave, my breaths are my Stillness.”

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Verena Sacher-Graiff Innsbruck Teaching Since: 2014 Dancing Since: 1997

“Hast du die Disziplin, ein freier Geist zu sein?”

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alessia lencioni Lucca, Tuscany   Dancing Since: 2013

“What if you risk a little more? What if you push a little less? what if it's all just about a Sacred continuous ever changing Balance ”

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Dario Pastore Palermo, Sicily   Dancing Since: 2012

“"Ogni tanto penso che il Dio Pan mi sia venuto a trovare in culla per darmi un compito per questa vita. Usare la danza come strumento per far guarire le persone. Il mito ce lo dice, e in fondo lo sappiamo tutti… mai andare contro la volontà di u”

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Olivia Palmer Tuscany Teaching Since: 2014 Dancing Since: 2006

“Don't regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.”

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MariaSole Ingravallo Rome, Lazio   Dancing Since: 2011

“The wind? I am the wind. The sea and the moon? I am the sea and the moon. Tears, pain, love, bird-flights? I am all of them. I dance what I am. Sin, prayer, flight, the light that never was on land or sea? I dance what I am. (Isadora Duncan)”

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Sara Tiesi Thun   Dancing Since: 2007

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Carmela Gabriele (Teacher In Training) Puglia   Dancing Since: 2012

“It is through 5Rhythms that movement becomes the language of the soul, allowing us to explore our authenticity, heal our wounds, and rediscover our sense of belonging. Each step is a journey home.”

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Anna Avitabile (Teacher In Training) Naples    

“The passion the joy the multi-connections when I dance with myself and other dancers make me feel lively and without age. Five Rhythms are my bio and renewable energy. I’d like to spread this philosophical “motto” to my friends Senior: Care a”

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Mauda Mengarelli (Teacher In Training) Bologna, Emilia Romagna   Dancing Since: 2014

“I am fascinated by the human soul in all its facets, I love special connections, listening and deep sharing. ”

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Laura Benfenati (Teacher In Training) Rome, Lazio    

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Sandro Matteazzi (Teacher In Training) Padova, Veneto   Dancing Since: 2015

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Marcella Cardini (Teacher In Training) Rome, Lazio   Dancing Since: 2010

“It takes discipline to be a free spirit. Gabrielle Roth”

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